
IIIT Sri City Cut Off 2025, 2023, 2022 - Previous Year's Cutoff List

LocationChittoor (Andhra Pradesh)
Updated on - Mar 13, 2025 10:50 AM IST

IIIT Sri City JEE Main Cutoff 2025

IIIT Sri City cutoff 2024 for the last round (round five) is now out. JoSAA released the cutoff for round five on July 17, 2024. IIIT Sri City cut off for general category is 11742 OR and 38333 CR.

IIIT Sri City Cutoff 2024 - Round 5

Round 5Click Here

IIIT Sri City cut off 2024 has been released by JoSAA for round four. The round 4 cutoffs were released on July 10, 2024 and are based on JEE Main score. IIIT Sri City cutoff for general category is 11742 opening rank and 34733 closing rank in round four, irrespective of the branch.

IIIT Sri City Cutoff 2024 - Round 4

Round 4Click Here

IIIT Sri City cutoff 2024 round 3 is now out. JoSAA released the cutoffs on July 05, 2024, in the form of opening and closing ranks. IIIT Sri City cut off general category is 11742 OR and 34536 CR. IIIT Sri City cutoff CSE is 27735 rank for the general category.

IIIT Sri City Cutoff 2024 for Round 3

  • IIIT Sri City cutoff ST is 2438 OR and 4141 CR in 2024.
  • IIIT Sri City cutoff EWS is 3959 OR and 6155 CR in 2024.

IIIT Sri City CSE Cutoff 2024

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIGENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1174227735

IIIT Sri City ECE Cutoff 2024

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIGENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)3067634487

IIIT Sri City JEE Main Cutoff 2024 - Category-wise (Round 3)

IIIT Sri cutoff has been released by JoSAA for round 2 in the form of opening and closing ranks. The cutoff is based on JEE Main scores. IIIT Sri City cutoff open category is 11742 - 34536. Candidates meeting the cutoff for the desired programme can participate in the next step of admission which is JoSAA counselling. IIIT Sri City CSE cutoff is 11742 - 27735. 

IIIT Sri City Cutoff for Round 2

  • IIIT Sri City cutoff for OBC is 6923 - 13572.
  • The cutoff for the SC category is 4696 - 9196.
  • IIIT Sri City cut-off for ST category is 2438 - 4140. 

IIIT Sri City CSE Cutoff 2024 - Round 2

GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Female-only (including Supernumerary)1174227735

IIIT Sri City ECE Cutoff for Round 2

GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Female-only (including Supernumerary)3067634487

IIIT Sri City Cut-off - Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 

GenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Female-only (including Supernumerary)2506431190

IIIT Sri City JEE Main Cutoff 2024 - Category-wise 

IIIT Sri City cutoff for JEE Main 2024 is now available on the official website of JoSAA. The cutoff has been released on June 20, 2024. The cut off for IIIT Sri City has been released in the form of opening and closing ranks for different categories. As per IIIT Sri City cutoff for JEE Main 2024, the closing rank for open is 24055 and OBC is 10767. Moreover, the closing rank for SC category and ST category is 7003 and 2876. Candidates can check below programme wise and course wise closing ranks for IIIT Sri City JEE Main Cutoff 2024:   

IIIT Sri City JEE Main Cutoff 2024 Open Category for Round 1 

Academic Program NameQuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIOPENGender-Neutral1357424055
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIOPENGender-Neutral1258325315
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1174227463
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)2506430701
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIOPENGender-Neutral2552631312
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)AIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)2856533349

IIIT Sri City JEE Main Cutoff 2024 for AI & ML

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)2506430701
AIOPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral508508
AIOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1158911589

IIIT Sri City JEE Main Cutoff 2024 for ECE

QuotaSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
AIOPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)2856533349
AIOPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral16501650
AIOBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1283312836
AIOBC-NCL (PwD)Gender-Neutral743743
AISCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)77767776
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IIIT Sri City Cutoff for JEE Main 2025 (Expected)

IIIT Sri City Cutoff for BTech courses is based on JEE Main scores. IIIT Sri City cutoff JEE Main 2024 will be released by JoSAA in July-August. The cutoff will be released in round-wise format in the form of opening and closing ranks.

In the absence of 2024 cutoff, admission seekers can checkout the expected cutoff prepared based on analysis of previous year official JEE Main ranks. As per the trends, IIIT Sri City cutoff for CSE may fall between  27819 - 27829  for gender-neutral, open category. Applicants aspiring to enrol into ECE branch and belong to EWS category can expect the IIIT Sri City cutoff to be 6613 - 6623 for gender-neutral seats. Candidates can go through the course-wise 2024 expected closing ranks of IIIT Sri City given below.

IIIT Sri City Cutoff CSE 2024 (Expected)

Academic Programme NameSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Computer Science and Engineering OPENGender-Neutral11054 - 1106427819 - 27829
Computer Science and Engineering OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)17391 - 1740128208 - 28218
Computer Science and Engineering OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral514 - 5241478 - 1488
Computer Science and Engineering EWSGender-Neutral4237 - 42475105 - 5115
Computer Science and Engineering EWSFemale-only (including Supernumerary)4609 - 46195062 - 5072
Computer Science and Engineering OBC-NCLGender-Neutral7699 - 770911769 - 11779
Computer Science and Engineering OBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)8458 - 846813085 - 13095
Computer Science and Engineering OBC-NCL (PwD)Gender-Neutral685 - 695859 - 869
Computer Science and Engineering SCGender-Neutral5034 - 50448994 - 8104
Computer Science and Engineering SCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)5946 - 59566774 - 6784
Computer Science and Engineering SC (PwD)Gender-Neutral93 - 10393 - 103
Computer Science and Engineering STGender-Neutral1417 - 14273678 - 3688
Computer Science and Engineering STFemale-only (including Supernumerary)3034 - 30443034 - 3044

IIIT Sri City Cutoff - Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 2024 (Expected)

Academic Programme NameSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science OPENGender-Neutral17077 - 1708730141 - 30151
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)29330 - 2934031158 - 31168
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral1917 - 19271950 - 1960
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science EWSGender-Neutral4645 - 46555266 - 5276
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science OBC-NCLGender-Neutral8333 - 834312373 - 12383
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science OBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)11376 - 1138611376 - 11386
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science SCGender-Neutral6191 - 62018305 - 8315
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science STGender-Neutral1696 - 17063757 - 3767

IIIT Sri City Cut Off for Electronics and Communication Engineering - 2024 Expected

Academic Programme NameSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Electronics and Communication Engineering OPENGender-Neutral26868 - 2687838924 - 38934
Electronics and Communication Engineering OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)31449 - 3145935002 - 35012
Electronics and Communication Engineering OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral2135 - 21452135 - 2145
Electronics and Communication Engineering EWSGender-Neutral6307 - 63176613 - 6623
Electronics and Communication Engineering OBC-NCLGender-Neutral12993 - 1300315270 - 15280
Electronics and Communication Engineering OBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)14490 - 1450014633 - 14643
Electronics and Communication Engineering SCGender-Neutral6911 - 69219326 - 9336
Electronics and Communication Engineering SCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)7925 - 79357925 - 7935
Electronics and Communication Engineering STGender-Neutral3112 - 31224073 - 4083
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IIIT Sri City Cutoff - Trends

Analysing IIIT Sri City's cutoff trends from 2021 to 2023 shows a growing competitiveness for both CSE and ECE courses, particularly in the General category. For CSE, the General cutoff increased slightly by 2221 ranks (27874 in 2021 to 30095 in 2023). ECE also saw a rise, but steeper, with a jump of 10195 ranks (43638 in 2021 to 53833 in 2023). This indicates a growing applicant pool for these programmes. Interestingly, the OBC category shows a different trend. While, IIIT Sri City CSE cutoff remained relatively stable with a rise of only 3941 ranks (41840 in 2021 to 47241 in 2023), ECE witnessed a significant increase of 11048 ranks (56374 in 2021 to 67441 in 2023) within the OBC category. 

IIIT Sri City Cutoff Trends - JEE Main (General Category)

Programmes2023 Cutoff2022 Cutoff2021 Cutoff
B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering538334648643638
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering300952995127874
B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science33713--

IIIT Sri City Cut Off JEE Main Trends - (OBC Category)

Programmes2023 Cutoff2022 Cutoff2021 Cutoff
B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering674416059356374
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering472414209741840
B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science49070--

IIIT Sri City Cutoff Trends

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IIIT Sri City B.Tech Cut off 2025

Applicants must meet the IIIT Sri City cutoff 2023 in order to be considered for B.Tech admission. The IIIT Sri City JEE Main cut off 2023 for each B.Tech course is announced separately. IIIT Sri City cut off marks have been released in the form of an opening rank and a closing rank. Applicants who get the required IIIT Sri City cutoff 2023 will be eligible to participate in the JoSAA counselling process. The JoSAA round 1, round 2, round 3, round 4,  round 5  and round 6 cutoff has been announced and is listed in the table below.

IIIT Sri City UG Cut Off 2023 - CSAB Special Round 2 2023

ParticularsCut Off Link
IIIT Sri City UG Cutoff 2023Click Here

IIIT Sri City UG Cut Off 2023 - CSAB Special Round 1 2023

Academic Programme NameSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral2256932801
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)3186435489
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)EWSGender-Neutral3622238567
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OBC-NCLGender-Neutral4453047738
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)4649846498
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)SCGender-Neutral138204163667
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)STGender-Neutral241007241820
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral1665029479
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)2829332752
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)EWSGender-Neutral2961035650
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)EWSFemale-only (including Supernumerary)3464134828
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)EWS (PwD)Gender-Neutral154354154354
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OBC-NCLGender-Neutral3440845334
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)3799446379
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)SCGender-Neutral109009156997
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)SCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)140339151695
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)STGender-Neutral165114239659
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)STFemale-only (including Supernumerary)210286210286
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral2504947114
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)3671940545
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)EWSGender-Neutral4741952798
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OBC-NCLGender-Neutral4794160721
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)4907760814
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)SCGender-Neutral161284185773
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)SCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)166910166910
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)STGender-Neutral249025291042

IIIT Sri City B.Tech Cutoff 2023 - Round 6

IIIT Sri City BTech Cutoff 2023: JoSAA Round 5 (Out)

ParticularsCut Off Link
IIIT Sri City JoSAA Round 5 Cut Off 2023 Click Here

IIIT Sri City B.Tech Cutoff 2023 - Round 4 (AI Quota)

Academic Programme NameSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral1708728580
OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)2934030869
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral1106426970
OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1740127663
OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral5241488
STFemale-only (including Supernumerary)30443044
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)SCGender-Neutral69218883
SCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)79357935

To download the detailed IIIT Sri City B.Tech cutoff 2023 for round 4, click here.

IIIT Sri City B.Tech Cutoff 2023 - Round 3

Academic Programme NameSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral1708728580
OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)2934030869
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)SCGender-Neutral47217579
SCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)59566784
SC (PwD)Gender-Neutral103103
STFemale-only (including Supernumerary)30443044
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral2687835727
OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)3116834607
OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral21452145

Click here to download the detailed IIIT Sri City Cutoff 2023 for round 3.

IIIT Sri City B.Tech Cut off 2023 for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science - Round 2

Academic Program NameSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral1708728147
OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)2934030869
OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral19601960
OBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1138611386

Click here to download the detailed IIIT Sri City Cutoff 2023 Round 2 based on JEE Main.

IIIT Sri City B.Tech Cut Off 2023 Round 1

Academic Program NameSeat TypeGenderOpening RankClosing Rank
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral1708726155
OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)2691629340
OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral837837
OBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1118211182
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral1106424149
OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1740126299
OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral524987
EWSFemale-only (including Supernumerary)40564152
EWS (PwD)Gender-Neutral145145
OBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)846811080
OBC-NCL (PwD)Gender-Neutral443555
SCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)34785956
SC (PwD)Gender-Neutral8181
STFemale-only (including Supernumerary)24882488
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral2660731818
OPENFemale-only (including Supernumerary)2938432769
OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral11241124
OBC-NCLFemale-only (including Supernumerary)1245912807
OBC-NCL (PwD)Gender-Neutral747747
SCFemale-only (including Supernumerary)62546254
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IIIT Sri City GATE Cut off 2025

The IIIT Sri City cut off 2023 must be met in order for candidates to be admitted to the institute. Candidates won't be shortlisted for counselling until the necessary cut off for the relevant courses is satisfied. The IIIT Sri City cut off 2023 for every offered course will be made available individually. When the results of the relevant entrance tests are released, the IIIT Sri City cutoff list for 2023 will be made available on the website. Candidates who want to enrol in the M.Tech programmes at IIIT Sri City must meet the IIIT Sri City GATE 2023 cutoff, and those who want to enrol in the IIIT Sri City B.Tech programme must meet the IIIT Sri City JEE Main cutoff, both of which will be posted on the official website of IIIT Sri City in 2023. The candidate must review the previous year's IIIT Sri City cut off to gain an idea of the cutoff patterns. Below are the IIIT Sri City GATE cutoffs for the most recent year:

IIIT Sri City Cut Off 2023 of M.Tech - GATE 2023

Course PaperGeneralOBC-NCL/EWSSC/ST/PWD

Unlock your future with JEE Main/JEE Advanced/GATE College Predictor & Rank Predictor:  

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IIIT Sri City Cut Off 2022 for UG Courses

IIIT Sri City cutoff is the minimum score required by the student to get admission into the B.Tech courses offered by IIIT Sri City. The IIIT Sri City cutoff 2022 will be determined on the basis of the JEE Main 2022. The IIIT Sri City JEE Main cutoff 2022 is divided into two types; the qualifying cutoff and the admission cut off. The NTA publishes the qualifying cutoff on its official website and the admission cutoff is published by the JoSAA. The IIIT Sri City cutoff 2022 is released in the form of opening and closing ranks. Students have to rank within the closing rank in order to meet the cutoff of IIIT Sri City

Students meeting the IIIT Sri City cutoff of 2022 will be eligible for the JEE Main counselling and seat allotment process, which is conducted by JoSAA. IIIT Sri City JEE Main cutoff 2022 round 5 has been released on Students can refer to the IIIT Sri City JoSAA cutoff round 1, round 2 and round 3, round 4 and round 5 tabulated below. JoSAA has released the IIIT Sri City B.Tech cutoff 2022 for round 6 on the official website,

IIIT Sri City JoSAA Cutoff 2022 Round 5

Academic Programme NameSeat TypeGenderClosing Rank
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral24985
OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral1535
OBC-NCL (PwD)Gender-Neutral843
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral33701

IIIT Sri City JoSAA Cutoff Round- 4 (Open Category)

Academic Program NameOpening RankClosing Rank
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)1089124831
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)2552433355

Click here JoSAA to see detailed IIIT Sri City cutoff 2022 for round 4 can be checked by the interested candidates.

IIIT Sri City Cutoff 2022 for JEE Main (Round 3)

Academic Programme NameSeat TypeGenderClosing Rank
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral24785
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral1333
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)EWSGender-Neutral4156
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OBC-NCLGender-Neutral9697
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OBC-NCL (PwD)Gender-Neutral843
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)SCGender-Neutral6788
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)STGender-Neutral2757
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral33264
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)EWSGender-Neutral5150
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OBC-NCLGender-Neutral12335
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)SCGender-Neutral7879
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)STGender-Neutral3445

IIIT Sri City Cutoff 2022 Round 2 for B.Tech-CSE

Seat TypeGenderClosing Rank
OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral1333
EWS (PwD)Gender-Neutral206
OBC-NCL (PwD)Gender-Neutral843

IIIT Sri City JoSAA Cutoff 2022 Round 2 for B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Seat TypeGenderClosing Rank

IIIT Sri City JEE Main Cutoff 2022 Round 1 

Academic Programme NameSeat TypeGenderClosing Rank
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral22860
OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral689
EWS (PwD)Gender-Neutral184
OBC-NCL (PwD)Gender-Neutral599
SC (PwD)Gender-Neutral79
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)OPENGender-Neutral29433
OPEN (PwD)Gender-Neutral1974
OBC-NCL (PwD)Gender-Neutral843
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IIIT Sri City Cutoff 2022 for PG Courses

IIIT Sri City admissions to M.Tech courses are based on the GATE scores. Hence, the students must meet the IIIT Sri City GATE cutoff of 2022 to have a good chance of admission. The IIIT Sri City GATE cutoff is released in the form of closing cutoff after the seat allotment results. IIIT Sri City participates in the CCMT counselling process to enrol eligible candidates. CCMT typically conducts three rounds of counselling for admission through GATE, followed by an NSR (National Spot Round). CCMT releases the maximum and minimum IIIT Sri City GATE cut off after each round of counselling for that particular round. The GATE Cutoff for IIIT Sri City M.Tech courses has been released in online mode on the official website of CCMT. The IIIT Sri City cutoff of GATE varies every year, so one should always check the IIIT Sri City previous year cutoff to estimate the upcoming cutoff ranks. 

Students can check the IIIT Sri City GATE cut off 2022 for various M.Tech courses tabulated below.

IIIT Sri City GATE Cutoff 2022 

PG ProgrammeCategoryMax GATE ScoreMin GATE Score
Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningSC271258
Cyber SecurityOBC-NCL389353
Cyber SecurityOPEN550442
Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningOBC-NCL482389
Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningOPEN591512
Cyber SecurityOPEN482464
Cyber SecuritySC251251
Cyber SecurityOBC-NCL338338
Cyber SecuritySC288288
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IIIT Sri City Cut Off 2021 for UG Courses

IIIT Sri City previous year cutoffs help students to know how the IIIT Sri City JEE Main cutoff has changed over the years. The IIIT Sri City JEE Main cutoff is determined by a number of variables, including the number of students taking the exam, its level of difficulty, the number of students who qualify, the admissions category, and IIIT Sri City previous year cut-off. Students meeting the IIIT Sri City cutoff ranks will have to participate in the JoSAA counselling followed by the seat allotment process.  IIIT Sri City offers admission to B.Tech courses in two specialisations, electronics and communication engineering and computer science and engineering. Students can check the IIIT Sri City cutoff 2021 tabulated below to estimate their chances of admission and plan out accordingly to ensure meeting the IIIT Sri City cutoff ranks of 2022. 

IIIT Sri City Cut Off 2021 for B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering

CourseSeat TypeClosing Rank
B.Tech Electronics and Communication EngineeringOPEN (Gender-Neutral)43638
EWS (Gender-Neutral)52969
OBC-NCL (Gender-Neutral)56374
SC (Gender-Neutral)187340
ST (Gender-Neutral)285271
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IIIT Sri City Cutoff 2021 for PG Courses

The GATE cutoff for IIIT Sri City is released after the announcement of the seat allotments, which is done through the CCMT. Then the IIIT Sri City GATE cutoff is released on the official website of CCMT. Students should always check the IIIT Sri City GATE previous year cutoff to have a tentative idea of the upcoming IIIT Sri City cutoff. 

There are various factors which determine the IIIT Sri City GATE cutoff: 

  • One of the major factors which determines the IIIT Sri City GATE cutoff for admission to M.Tech courses is the previous year GATE cutoff of IIIT Sri City
  • Seat availability for each specialisation also affects the IIIT Sri City GATE  cutoff
  • The number of aspirants appearing for GATE and clearing it
  • The difficulty level of GATE is a very important factor for the determination of the IIIT Sri City GATE cutoff

The IIIT Sri City cutoff ranks for GATE 2021 is tabulated below in the form of minimum and maximum according to each category.

IIIT Sri City GATE Cutoff 2021

PG ProgrammeOpen SeatEWS SeatOBC-NCL SeatSC Seat
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning633542433357384373410335
Cyber Security535504330330430357281281
Cyber Security504492326326366366308308
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IIIT Sri City CutOffs Latest Update

March 13, 2025

Online MTech Programme Admissions Open - Admissions for the Online MTech Programme are now open. Details of specializations can be explored on the website.

February 24, 2025

Orientation Programme and Commencement of Class Work - Information about the Orientation programme and the commencement of class work.

February 24, 2025

UG Admissions 2024-25: Hostel Allotment Form - Hostel Allotment Form for UG Admissions 2024-25.

  • exam
  • degree
  • course
  • round
  • year

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 2, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)2773511742
PwD (PwD)13351162
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)46593959
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary))48404758
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)295295
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)109116923
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)120777971
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)882564
SC (SC)79884696
SC (AI - Female-Only)79287118
SC PwD184184
ST AI39142438
ST (AI - Female-Only)28952895

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 3, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)2773511742
PwD (PwD)13351162
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)46633959
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary))48404758
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)295295
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)109116923
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)120777971
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)882564
SC (SC)80074696
SC (AI - Female-Only)79287118
SC PwD184184
ST AI39262438
ST (AI - Female-Only)28952895

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 4, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)2773511742
PwD (PwD)13351162
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)47094138
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary))48404758
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)295295
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)109116923
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)120777971
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)882555
SC (SC)80074696
SC (AI - Female-Only)79287118
SC PwD184184
ST AI39262438
ST (AI - Female-Only)28952895

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 5, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)3067611742
PwD (PwD)13351162
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)48574199
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary))55995250
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)295295
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)111127089
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1254010622
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)882555
SC (SC)81214696
SC (AI - Female-Only)79287118
SC PwD184184
ST AI39302438
ST (AI - Female-Only)28952895

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 2, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)3448730676
PwD (PwD)17741774
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)60925590
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)135729706
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1360112833
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)10391039
SC (SC)91966520
SC (AI - Female-Only)80868086
ST AI41403861

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 3, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)3448730676
PwD (PwD)17741774
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)61555590
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)136109706
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1360112833
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)10801080
SC (SC)95506520
SC (AI - Female-Only)80868086
ST AI41413861

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 4, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)3448730676
PwD (PwD)17741774
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)61555590
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)136109706
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1360112833
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)12201220
SC (SC)96286520
SC (AI - Female-Only)80868086
ST AI41413861

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 5, 2024)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Female-Only)3833331852
PwD (PwD)17741774
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)65356078
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1406511733
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only)1360112833
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)13331333
SC (SC)96566520
SC (AI - Female-Only)1028110281
ST AI41413861

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 1, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)770922860
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)363689
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)32283824
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)184184
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)60798953
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)480599
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)29355865
SC PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)7979
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)6632664

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 2, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)1089124496
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)3631333
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)34574090
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)206206
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)61399616
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)696843
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)29356645
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)6632732

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 3, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)1089124785
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)3631333
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)35074156
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)64449697
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)696843
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)29356788
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)6632757

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 4, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)1089124831
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)3631535
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)35074156
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)64449697
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)696843
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)29356788
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)6632757

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 5, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)1089124985
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)3631535
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)35344230
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)64449775
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)696843
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)29356788
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)6632775

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 6, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)1089124985
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)3631535
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)35344230
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)64449775
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)696843
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)29356788
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)6632775

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 1, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)2343029433
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)13331974
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)41774757
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)865611090
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)843843
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)58796997
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)18633218

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 2, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)2552432799
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)47565065
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)865611932
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)67887701
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)28463380

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 3, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)2552433264
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)47625150
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1011012335
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)68907879
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)28463445

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 4, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)2552433355
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)48225183
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1011012387
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)68907879
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)28463445

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 5, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)2552433701
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)49005188
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1011012568
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)68907890
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)28463445

IIIT Sri City (JEE Main, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 6, 2022)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)2552433701
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral)49005188
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)1011012568
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)68907890
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)28463445

IIIT Sri City (JEE Advanced, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 1, 2018)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)184856626
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)842329
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)78474350
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)413314
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)54912185
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)2787533

IIIT Sri City (JEE Advanced, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 1, 2018)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
General (AI - Gender-Neutral)2204316129
General PwD (AI - Gender-Neutral)10551036
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral)85337506
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral)649649
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral)56284143
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral)28931412

IIIT Sri City (JEE Advanced, B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Cutoff, Round 6, 2017)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
Gen. AI216536576
OBC AI93185338
PWD ( OBC ) AI444444
SC AI61322154
ST AI3212925
PWD ( GEN ) AI792792

IIIT Sri City (JEE Advanced, B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Cutoff, Round 6, 2017)

CategoryOpening RankClosing Rank
Gen. AI2627615794
OBC AI100057370
PWD ( OBC ) AI522522
SC AI67684131
ST AI28791746
PWD ( GEN ) AI12371237

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