XAT score vs percentile 2025 analysis helps you estimate your percentile based on your raw score. It helps you understand if you have any chance of getting admission to your preferred colleges. As per the previous year's XAT result, you need to have a score of 43 to fetch a 99+ percentile. For a 97 percentile on the exam, you need to have a score of 40. The XAT score represents the total marks a candidate obtains in the exam, while the XAT percentile reflects his rank relative to the rest of the test-takers. If you want to understand the XAT marks vs percentile 2025 analysis in detail, scroll down. Along with the XAT 2025 score vs percentile, we have discussed cutoff, score calculator, and more!
Top institutes accepting XAT 2025 scores include popular names like XLRI Jamshedpur, XIMB Bhubaneswar, XISS Ranchi, Loyola Chennai, IMT Ghaziabad, and more. There are over 160 MBA colleges in India that accept XAT scores including 12 XAMI (XLRI Associate Member Institutes). Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) is conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur every year to screen candidates for admission into postgraduate management programmes. To seek admission to these XAT accepting colleges, candidates must have completed graduation or an equivalent degree with a minimum of 50 percent in aggregate (45 percent for SC/ST/PwD) candidates. The final admission to these institutes will be based on XAT scores, Group Exercise, Essay Writing, and Personal Interview.
The top IIMs in India are IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Kozhikode, IIM Calcutta, and IIM Lucknow. Currently, there are a total of 21 IIMs in India, each having its benefits. From a higher return on investment (ROI) to excellent faculty and from impressive infrastructure to exceptional placement offers, IIMs have so much to offer. However, getting admission here requires one to put in his blood, sweat, and tears. Not only do they have to score 99-100 percentile in the CAT exam, but also go through a rigorous selection process. If you are an MBA aspirant targeting these institutes, explore the list of best IIMs in India along with the IIM rankings, courses offered, fees, placements, and much more!
Also Read: CAT Score vs Percentile 2024
MBA colleges accepting 90-95 percentile in CAT 2024 include IIMs, SPJIMR, FMS Delhi, and MDI Gurgaon. Each year, over 200,000 students take the CAT exam, leading to intense competition. Securing a score between the 90-95 percentile in CAT can help you gain admission to some of the top MBA colleges in India. Candidates must have obtained a Bachelor's degree with a minimum aggregate of 50% marks to become eligible to seek admission to these institutes. Although work experience is not mandatory to seek admission to these institutes, candidates with 2-3 years of managerial experience will be preferred. The selection process at the MBA colleges accepting 90-95 percentile in CAT 2024 includes a Written Ability Test, Group Discussion, and Personal Interview rounds. The final selection is based on a candidate's overall profile, including their CAT score, Graduation score, Class 12 score, Class 10 score, work experience, category, gender diversity, and WAT and PI scores.
The CAT 2024 exam was held on November 24, 2024, across 167 test cities in India. Now that the CAT 2024 results were out on December 19 you can start applying for MBA colleges that accept scores up to the 95th percentile. The following list of MBA colleges accepting 90-95 percentile in CAT 2024 will be highly beneficial. Take a look!
What is a good score in XAT 2025 is a common question in the minds of MBA aspirants planning to appear for XAT 2025. A score above 40 out of 75 can be a good XAT score since it can fetch a candidate 99+ percentile in the exam. A score above 35 can fetch candidates 95+ percentile in the XAT exam. Therefore, to get admission into top MBA college accepting the exam, it is crucial to have a good XAT score. A good score not only helps you get shortlisted for the next round of the admission process but also increases your chances of getting a scholarship or financial aid. Additionally, your score also reflects your aptitude, analytical skills, and preparedness for the management program.
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