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Jaipur National University BCA in FSD (IXP) - Fees, Eligibility, Seats and Admission 2024

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Jaipur National University BCA in FSD (IXP) Fees

The fee for BCA in FSD (IXP) at Jaipur National University is 47500 INR.

3 Years47500 INR
Total Fees47500 INR
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Jaipur National University BCA in FSD (IXP) Fees and Course Details

Course nameBCA in FSD (IXP)
Duration3 Years
Course levelUG
Mode of StudyRegular
Total Fees47500 INR
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Jaipur National University BCA in FSD (IXP) Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for admission to Jaipur National University's BCA program, applicants must have completed their class 12th examinations with a minimum of 48% marks in any field from a recognized board. Shortlisting will be based on merit and a personal interview round.

Documents Required :

  • 12th mark sheet or equivalent
  • Birth certificate or any other proof of age
  • Character certificate from the last attended institution
  • Migration certificate from the last attended institution
  • Category certificate (if applicable)
  • Passport size photographs
  • Aadhaar card or any other government-issued ID proof
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Other Specializations in BCA Available at Jaipur National University

CourseDurationTotal Tution fees
BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning3 Years106535 Annual
BCA in Cyber Security3 Years98505 Annual

Jaipur National University Reviews

Very good for education purpose
By Siddhant Sharma
Feb 09, 2024 3:30:49

Overall: Imagine you're an explorer from a distant future, stumbling upon the ruins of Jaipur National University. Among the crumbling walls and overgrown vegetation, you discover a peculiar artifact labeled 'Imagine XP.' Curiosity piqued, you activate the device, and suddenly, you're transported back to the vibrant campus during its heyday. As you navigate through the bustling corridors, you encounter scholars engaged in animated discussions, students immersed in innovative projects, and professors imparting wisdom in ornate lecture halls. However, amidst this academic paradise, subtle hints of underlying tensions and mysteries emerge.

Placement: At Jaipur National University, the placement opportunities are considered decent, providing students with avenues to kick-start their careers. With a dedicated placement cell and strong industry connections, the university facilitates internships and job placements in various sectors. Employability skills are honed through workshops, mock interviews, and career counseling sessions conducted by experienced professionals. While the placement record may vary across disciplines, efforts are consistently made to enhance opportunities and bridge the gap between academia and industry. Students are encouraged to actively participate in recruitment drives, networking events, and skill development programs to increase their chances of securing rewarding positions post-graduation. Overall, Jaipur National University strives to equip its students with the necessary skills and exposure to succeed in the competitive job market, making significant strides towards fostering a bright and promising future for its graduates.

Infrastructure: "Step into the sprawling campus of Jaipur National University, where every corner holds a tale waiting to be told. As you wander through the labyrinth of buildings, vibrant gardens, and bustling student hubs, you encounter a diverse tapestry of experiences. From the hushed whispers of students studying under ancient trees to the lively debates echoing through modern lecture halls, the energy of intellectual pursuit permeates the air. But amidst the grandeur lies a hidden challenge – a series of cryptic clues scattered across the campus, leading to a long-lost treasure rumored to be buried within its grounds.

Faculty: In Jaipur National University, the teachers and faculty members are the pillars of academic excellence and mentorship. Renowned for their expertise and dedication, they go above and beyond to nurture the intellectual growth and holistic development of their students. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, they inspire a love for learning and critical thinking among their pupils. Approachable and supportive, they create a conducive learning environment where students feel empowered to explore, question, and innovate. Beyond the classroom, they serve as mentors and guides, offering valuable insights and guidance to shape the future leaders

Hostel: Although not residing in the hostel at Jaipur National University, you're drawn by your friends' vivid accounts of its excellence, particularly its culinary delights. Enticed by their descriptions of sumptuous meals and diverse cuisines, you decide to experience it firsthand. Stepping onto the campus, your senses are immediately captivated by the aroma wafting from the university's renowned dining facilities. From mouthwatering local specialties to international flavors, every meal is a culinary adventure. Amidst lively conversations and laughter, you savor each bite, relishing in the gastronomic journey that Jaipur National University offers. As you bid farewell, you can't help but agree with your friends – the university's reputation for exceptional food is truly well-deserved, leaving you with fond memories of indulgence and satisfaction.

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"Reflections on My College Experience: A Journey of Growth, Learning, and Memories"
By Abhinav Tiwari
Feb 09, 2024 3:10:25

Overall: "Reflecting on my college journey, it's been a whirlwind of challenges, triumphs, and self-discovery. From navigating rigorous coursework to forging lifelong friendships, each experience has shaped me into who I am today. Academically, I've grown immensely, delving into my passions and gaining valuable skills for my future career. Beyond the classroom, extracurricular activities provided opportunities for leadership, teamwork, and personal growth. While there were moments of doubt and struggle, overcoming obstacles only fueled my determination to succeed. Amidst the busyness, cherished memories were created – late-night study sessions, spontaneous adventures, and the camaraderie of campus life. As I bid farewell to this chapter, I am filled with gratitude for the invaluable lessons learned, the lasting connections made, and the transformative experiences that will forever hold a special place in my heart."

Placement: Placement Services at Jaipur National University and Imagine XP. Jaipur National University and Imagine XP have proven to be invaluable partners in launching students into their desired careers. The placement services offered by these institutions are nothing short of exemplary, providing students with access to a wide range of job opportunities across various industries. Through career fairs, networking events, and recruitment drives, they bridge the gap between academia and the professional world, ensuring students are well-prepared and equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge. The dedicated placement teams work tirelessly to connect students with top-tier companies, offering guidance, support, and personalized career advice along the way. Their commitment to student success is evident in the impressive placement records and success stories of graduates who have secured positions in leading organizations. Overall, Jaipur National University and Imagine XP's placement services are instrumental in empowering students to embark on successful career paths."

Infrastructure: A Sneak Peek into What Keeps Our College Running Smoothly. Let's talk about the stuff that makes our campus tick – the buildings, labs, and hangout spots that we often take for granted. You know, those cozy study nooks, the cool tech in our classrooms, and the lush green spaces where we unwind between classes. It's like the unsung hero of our college life, silently supporting us through late-night study sessions and spontaneous meetups. And hey, let's not forget about the dorms and dining halls that become our second homes. It's all part of the vibe that makes our college experience unique. So here's to the infrastructure – the unsung MVP of our campus adventures!"

Faculty: "Faculty Excellence: Nurturing Minds and Inspiring Futures. The faculty at [JAIPURNATIONALUNIVERSITY] exemplifies dedication, expertise, and passion in their roles as educators and mentors. Throughout my academic journey, I have been fortunate to learn from a diverse and accomplished group of professors who go above and beyond to cultivate a dynamic learning environment. Their unwavering support, both inside and outside the classroom, has been instrumental in my personal and academic growth. Whether it's through engaging lectures, thought-provoking discussions, or one-on-one guidance, they continuously inspire us to push boundaries and strive for excellence. Beyond their academic prowess, the faculty's approachability and willingness to mentor students foster a sense of belonging and encouragement. Their commitment to fostering a culture of learning and innovation truly sets the foundation for our success, shaping us into confident and well-rounded individuals prepared to tackle the challenges of the future."

Hostel: A Rollercoaster Ride of Camaraderie and Memories. My hostel experience was nothing short of a whirlwind adventure filled with laughter, late-night chats, and unforgettable friendships. From the moment I stepped into the dormitory, I was welcomed into a diverse community of students from all walks of life. Sharing a room with roommates quickly turned into sharing stories, snacks, and study tips. The hostel's communal spaces became our gathering spots for impromptu movie nights, group study sessions, and celebrations. While the occasional noise and lack of privacy tested my patience, the bonds formed with fellow residents made it all worthwhile. Whether it was navigating college life together or exploring the city on weekends, the hostel became our home away from home, a place where memories were made and friendships were forged that will last a lifetime."

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The Reality of College Ratings
By Yogesh saini
Feb 09, 2024 3:40:08

Overall: "Despite the hype surrounding this college's rating, it fails to live up to expectations. While it may boast high rankings, the reality is far from impressive. Lackluster faculty, outdated facilities, and limited resources undermine the educational experience. Potential students should look beyond the superficial ratings and consider the actual quality of education and support offered."

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Very good and valuable
By aryan kanwadiya
Feb 11, 2024 3:36:28

Overall: The course I have taken is very good, I have no regrets about this courses because I liked it or I am that I took this course after taking the course.

Placement: The course I have taken is very good, I have no regrets about course because I liked it or I am not at all sorry that I took this course after taking the course.

Infrastructure: The course I have taken is very good, I have no about this course because I liked it or I am not at all sorry that I took this course after taking the course.

Faculty: The course I have taken is very good, I have no regrets about this course because I liked it or I am not at all sorry this I took this course after taking the course.

Hostel: The course I have taken is very good, I have no regrets about this course because I liked it or I am not at that I took this course after taking the course.

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