
Smt. K.S.N. Kansagara Mahila College Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationRajkot (Gujarat)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 12:22 AM IST

Smt. K.S.N. Kansagara Mahila College Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.5/5
Placement 3.8/5
Hostel 4.3/5
Faculty 4.5/5
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What students says about Smt. K.S.N. Kansagara Mahila College

  • The college management is understanding and accommodating.
  • The college offers a variety of courses.
  • The college schedule is not always convenient for students.

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Smt. K.S.N. Kansagara Mahila College Reviews

Best college in Rajkot
By Khushi katakiya | Bachelor of Commerce | 2022
February 11, 2024 07:20:09

Overall: I get addmission in thish college 2021 in COVID that time we attended a online class but environment provide by our professor it was similar to that time government of Gujarat give a 1st renk in online our college also known for our NCC,NSS and Sports teams.

Placement: Placement retio in this college is very low. few companies are come for placement that's why placements retio is very low. In 2023 TCS come for interview and many students are selected.

Infrastructure: Kansagara college have very ventilated classroom and in every classroom have a projector.big ground and environment friendly atmosphere.big library and computer lebs.

Faculty: All faculty are very humble to students.all Faculty have a good experience of teaching and they also give a good advice for our future.all faculty are very friendly.






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