Kasturi Shikshan Sanstha's - Institute of Management is a Private college in Pune. Kasturi Shikshan Sanstha's - Institute of Management offers MBA in Management. MBA is offered in General Management.
Name of faculty | Department | Designation | Education Qualification |
Dr. Pratima Palande | College of Education | Principal | Ph.D. in Education |
Dr. Kasturi Shikshan | College of Pharmacy | Dean | Ph.D. in Pharmacy |
Dr. Shikshan Sanstha | Institute of Management | Director | Ph.D. in Management |
Dr. Pratima Institute | Paramedical Sciences | Head | Ph.D. in Paramedical Sciences |
Dr. Palande Junior College | Junior College | Principal | Ph.D. in Education |
Dr. Lalit Kala kendra | Arts | Director | Ph.D. in Arts |
Dr. Pratima Palande School | School | Principal | Ph.D. in Education |
Mumbai (Maharashtra)
Pune (Maharashtra)
Pune (Maharashtra)
Pune (Maharashtra)
Pune (Maharashtra)
MIMA Institute of Management