Check KIET Group of Institutions cutoff for various B.Tech courses as per the different categories of students for the year 2023.
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 185945 | 214809 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 247230 | 587283 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 165661 | 172963 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 274954 | 485572 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 68447 | 83189 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 238995 | 651383 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 198901 | 305971 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 38474 | 89748 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 132328 | 146755 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 222224 | 236808 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 311120 | 804177 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 135116 | 156833 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 213507 | 249314 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 91635 | 106345 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 69733 | 133511 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 133918 | 157645 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 168261 | 197462 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 203955 | 210205 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 52944 | 89664 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 30798 | 63043 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 174819 | 196421 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 309915 | 309915 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 173362 | 182415 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 104331 | 110339 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 91223 | 104213 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(PH) | Both Male and Female Seats | 438029 | 438029 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 90901 | 133453 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 192011 | 213245 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 141392 | 180335 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 249059 | 254489 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 165988 | 175270 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) (FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 84345 | 94402 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 119002 | 146713 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 169181 | 172592 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 123663 | 161614 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 204996 | 211329 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 157748 | 201422 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 120766 | 133947 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 67070 | 89288 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 24319 | 120586 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 254343 | 254343 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 177734 | 202866 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 226341 | 226341 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 163047 | 178182 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 134504 | 168096 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 479323 | 778149 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 265308 | 265308 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 344767 | 565373 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 113320 | 146840 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 149399 | 171829 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 150834 | 163503 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 107588 | 119260 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 168771 | 243487 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 151905 | 178985 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 133583 | 151046 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 134598 | 146863 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 104984 | 123795 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 161151 | 161151 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(FF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 360064 | 686265 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 408940 | 758644 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 209044 | 218044 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 182758 | 197285 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 151650 | 169953 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 180684 | 207615 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 345450 | 439844 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 362200 | 574985 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 67716 | 85744 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 131005 | 165547 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 298149 | 298149 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 248754 | 261440 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 207654 | 241886 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 215999 | 233009 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 203997 | 211968 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 229055 | 243563 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 204236 | 211632 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 173777 | 199223 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 682185 | 682185 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 298905 | 530094 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) (FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 92162 | 97245 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 69276 | 91635 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 169181 | 172963 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 126655 | 132089 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 114641 | 135116 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 123714 | 127651 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 113313 | 121409 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 150834 | 150834 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 97303 | 115154 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 93208 | 107365 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 518542 | 518542 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 224379 | 357388 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 63557 | 63557 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 66162 | 140428 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 315694 | 315694 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 197822 | 259099 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 203561 | 228520 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 215266 | 222460 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 178611 | 201183 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 214650 | 217277 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 168771 | 180335 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 146381 | 175088 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 370796 | 804177 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 394168 | 951525 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 80314 | 92271 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 96973 | 142785 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 256412 | 282330 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 208724 | 218044 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 175318 | 204291 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 417114 | 417114 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 214809 | 214809 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 177861 | 190575 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 179211 | 222498 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 150968 | 191724 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 151650 | 172980 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 651708 | 651708 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 493857 | 1047608 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 90868 | 92973 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 85628 | 125065 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 191402 | 192011 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 143205 | 165521 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 182758 | 193409 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 142541 | 156009 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 163198 | 174819 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 130850 | 150797 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 128837 | 141328 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 552496 | 552496 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 59354 | 59354 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 97256 | 97256 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 95652 | 95652 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 73932 | 89400 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 265811 | 265811 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 186662 | 367851 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 65081 | 65081 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 111281 | 138489 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 191402 | 191402 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 180520 | 229581 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 223456 | 223456 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 180347 | 203997 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 143105 | 143105 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 140697 | 179754 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 600491 | 600491 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 516144 | 991144 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 92924 | 92924 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 108224 | 143239 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 180360 | 211098 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 215266 | 215266 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 183593 | 191933 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 189988 | 189988 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 150759 | 176650 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 651383 | 1067322 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 96973 | 122528 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 149738 | 205689 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 135822 | 160748 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 132605 | 132605 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 143414 | 143414 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 122869 | 122869 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 122775 | 124480 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 758644 | 758644 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 274954 | 644020 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 75479 | 75479 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 137474 | 168534 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 261659 | 273099 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 219828 | 258971 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 188528 | 188528 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 219597 | 231182 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 179295 | 217446 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 579086 | 864824 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 121182 | 135477 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 111179 | 111179 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 95652 | 97256 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 311120 | 311120 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 373770 | 379008 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 140697 | 140992 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 357274 | 357274 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 229939 | 238030 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 204024 | 206379 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 180142 | 180755 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 145807 | 146134 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 211797 | 220500 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 193204 | 196431 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 205441 | 205441 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 150759 | 150759 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 176911 | 179023 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 122869 | 126106 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 167423 | 168795 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 201818 | 201818 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 153708 | 157538 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 132605 | 132605 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 134972 | 143414 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 653767 | 653767 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 85628 | 85628 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 259872 | 265777 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 226858 | 226858 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 232231 | 240315 |
Computer Science Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 217526 | 226210 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 805758 | 805758 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 494317 | 952326 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 494222 | 564904 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 433712 | 539728 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 222035 | 324201 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 150372 | 191459 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 471619 | 715406 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 328518 | 453679 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 129683 | 458964 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 679130 | 881899 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 459398 | 1099873 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 181366 | 240566 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 129683 | 458964 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 679130 | 881899 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 459398 | 1099873 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 181366 | 240566 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 464554 | 605229 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 818495 | 818495 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 616720 | 621212 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 203257 | 203257 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 288434 | 474855 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 384983 | 451042 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 234497 | 275202 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 227097 | 283705 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 357274 | 542411 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 289264 | 321301 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 80666 | 130834 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 350447 | 976608 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 288182 | 367129 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 94938 | 226239 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 154313 | 262036 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 480183 | 588548 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 331699 | 512992 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 555098 | 587657 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 340337 | 444922 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 609311 | 609311 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 280676 | 335993 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 268131 | 327632 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 689522 | 689522 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 107802 | 132217 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 154313 | 262036 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 480183 | 588548 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 331699 | 512992 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 555098 | 587657 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 340337 | 444922 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 609311 | 609311 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 280676 | 335993 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 268131 | 327632 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 689522 | 689522 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 107802 | 132217 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 269786 | 274309 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 529210 | 529210 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 706178 | 817633 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 627454 | 627454 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 556611 | 600969 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 336492 | 337697 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 438482 | 467253 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 153368 | 153368 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 63557 | 80563 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 93268 | 128590 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 131500 | 162599 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 385286 | 976549 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 346182 | 590826 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 129164 | 152448 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 179701 | 230898 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 167722 | 170535 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 304758 | 304758 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 153393 | 167081 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 186105 | 205441 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 242841 | 242909 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 153509 | 191417 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 102034 | 137135 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 195133 | 252493 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 167628 | 199290 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 463797 | 463797 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 191211 | 201818 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 167820 | 181838 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 206541 | 206541 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 168966 | 179701 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 146422 | 163398 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 401700 | 865505 |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 81103 | 93670 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 123598 | 131273 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 254223 | 254223 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 168819 | 202571 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 169751 | 190016 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 137945 | 167628 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 506191 | 702930 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 137646 | 137646 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 265984 | 265984 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 205661 | 206844 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 215999 | 215999 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 191096 | 194023 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 222498 | 222498 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 168271 | 170679 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 482310 | 749849 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 818137 | 818137 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 243831 | 471505 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 498304 | 679130 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 220526 | 220526 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 848864 | 848864 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 114520 | 454444 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 496701 | 818137 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 311391 | 311391 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 496701 | 498304 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 530458 | 530458 |
M.Tech. Admissions - Details regarding the M.Tech admissions for the academic year have been updated.
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
St. Margaret Engineering College
IIT Roorkee