
LNCPE Thiruvananthapuram Questions and Answers

LocationThiruvananthapuram (Kerala)
Updated on - Oct 19, 2023 09:35 PM IST

Questions Asked On Lakshmibai National College for Physical Education, Kerala

Nidhi Priya •  Sep-20-2023

Dear Student,

Lakshmibai National College for Physical Education offers courses in the field of physical education and sports. It aims for the upliftment of sports and physical education in our country through education and produces highly competent resources who excel in sports. If you aim to become a professional footballer then ofcourse the institute will help you gain all the expertise and the professional coaches will guide you throughout but you will also have to put in your efforts and practice the sport and be passionate about it as learning is a two-way process. You can also participate in a lot of football matches that are organised throughout the year. Apart from the practical learning, you will be given theoretical understanding as well about football in the third and fourth semester of the BPEd. course offered by LNCPE Thiruvananthapuram.

I hope your query is cleared now. Stay connected with us!