
MATS School of Basic Science Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationRaipur (Chhattisgarh)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 07:02 PM IST

MATS School of Basic Science Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
Infrastructure 5.0/5
Placement 5.0/5
Hostel 4.0/5
Faculty 4.0/5
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What students says about MATS School of Basic Science

  • Good course offerings
  • Good faculty
  • Good location
  • Good transportation
  • Good facilities
  • Expensive
  • Poor infrastructure
  • Far from city

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

MATS School of Basic Science Reviews

MATS School of basic science - Raipur
By Megha Sharma | B.Sc. in Mathematics | 2016
April 13, 2024 09:24:07

Overall: My college life has been incredible. University is vibrant and offers ample chances for personal growth and learning. I both made great friends and spent much time here.

Placement: The college has a notable record of placements. The job of the placement cell is to bring companies for recruitment fairs and student placements, offering valuable job positions. Students are provided with internship and placement assistance as well.

Infrastructure: The college has excellent infrastructure. The classrooms are up to date and have all the necessary equipment, so learning in them is fun. The lab has all the equipment needed for practical sessions and the library is a wonderful place for learning.

Faculty: The professors at this college are awesome. They are competent, friendly, and so helpful. The teachers are not only knowledgeable and passionate about teaching but also make the lessons fun and exciting. They have taught me a lot.

Hostel: The hostel facilities are nice and give a cozy place to live for students. The rooms are clean and the mess food is excellent. Staff members at the hostel are friendly and do their best to make the students enjoy their stay there.








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