
NIFT JODHPUR Cut Off 2025, 2024, 2023 - Previous Year's Cutoff List

LocationJodhpur (Rajasthan)
Updated on - Feb 22, 2024 07:35 PM IST

NIFT Jodhpur Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

NIFT Jodhpur cutoff 2024 is expected to be around 1200 - 1600 for BDes Fashion Design (general category). Additionally, NIFT Jodhpur cut off 2024 for BDes Fashion Communication is expected to be 1000 - 1200. At the PG level, NIFT Jodhpur cutoff 2024 for MFM is expected 500 - 1000 for general category candidates. Through the NIFT entrance examination conducted by NTA, admission is granted to NIFT Jodhpur.

NIFT Jodhpur BDes Cutoff 2024 - Expected

BDes Accessory Design -Above 4300Above 5500--
BDes Fashion Design1200 - 1600Above 35002200 - 2500Above 5500-
BDes Fashion Communication1000 - 1200Above 3500Above 3800Above 7000-
BDes Textile Design Above 2900-Above 6300Above 8900-

NIFT Jodhpur BFTech Cutoff Ranks 2024 (Expected)

BFTech Apparel Production 700 - 900-500 - 700--

NIFT Jodhpur MFM Cutoff Ranks 2024 (Expected)

MFM500 - 1000Above 11501300 - 15001100 - 1500-

Note - The expected NIFT Jodhpur cut off rank 2024 is created based on the previous year's cutoff of the institute.

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NIFT Jodhpur Cutoff Trends

NIFT Jodhpur cut off trends from 2021 to 2023 shows that the closing rank for general category candidates from 1786 to 2215, from 2021 to 2022, furthermore, the closing rank decreased in 2023 as well to 2954 for BDes Accessory Design. NIFT Jodhpur cutoff (general category) for BDes Fashion Design showed improvement from 1237 to 1063 in 2021 to 2022, however, the closing rank decreased in 2023 and stood at 1384. The MFM course, NIFT Jodhpur cut-off rank dropped progressively from 2021 to 2022 and 2023, to 241 to 309 and 714, respectively.

NIFT Jodhpur Cutoff Ranks Trend: 2021 to 2023 (General Category)

Course2021 Closing Rank2022 Closing Rank2023 Closing Rank
BDes Accessory Design 178622152954
BDes Fashion Design123710631384
BDes Fashion Communication1022 12851391
BDes Textile Design 203619712912
BFTech Apparel Production546 1075 976
MFM241309 714
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NIFT Jodhpur Cutoff 2023

NIFT Jodhpur cut off 2023 (closing rank) for BDes Fashion Design was 1384 for the general category. The closing ranks for other categories were 3809 for EWS, 3095 for OBC (NC), 6557 for SC and 8455 for ST. NIFT Jodhpur cutoff 2023 for BFTech was 976 for general category and 789 for OBC (NC) category.

NIFT Jodhpur BDes Cutoff 2023: Closing Ranks

BDes Accessory Design2954508755948269-
BDes Fashion Design13843809309565578455
BDes Fashion Communication1391390234737490-
BDes Textile Design 2912570362958967-

NIFT Jodhpur BFTech Cutoff Ranks 2023

BFTech Apparel Production976-789--

NIFT Jodhpur MFM Cut-off Ranks 2023

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NIFT Jodhpur Cut Off 2022

NIFT Jodhpur cutoff 2022 for the general category for BDes Accessory Design, Fashion Design, Fashion Communication and Textile Design were 2954, 1384, 1391, and 2912, respectively. 976 and 714 were the NIFT Jodhpur cut-off rank in 2022 for BFTech and MFM respectively for the general category.

NIFT Jodhpur Cutoff 2022: BDes (Closing Ranks)

BDes Accessory Design2215 63355116 --
BDes Fashion Design106335203889 42316845
BDes Fashion Communication1285377439347697-
BDes Textile Design 1971 -51927547-

NIFT Jodhpur Cut-off 2022: BFTech

BFTech Apparel Production1075-1018--

NIFT Jodhpur MFM Cut Off Ranks 2022

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What is the NIFT Jodhpur BDes cutoff for EWS?

There are a total of four specialisations offered under the B.Des degree at NIFT Jodhpur. The closing rank as per the previous year’s NIFT Jodhpur cutoff data was 5087 for Accessory Design, 3809 for Fashion Design, 3473 for Fashion Communication and 6295 for Textile Design. Therefore, EWS candidates with ranks above 3500 are eligible for admission to the B.Des courses.

What are the factors that determine NIFT Jodhpur cut off?

There are several factors that determine NIFT Jodhpur cutoff. These factors include the number of participating candidates, the merit rank of the candidates, the student category, the seat intake in a specific specialisation, the entrance exam’s difficulty level, etc.

What is NIFT Jodhpur cut off for OBC?

According to the NIFT Jodhpur cut off from the previous year, the B.Des closing ranks for OBC (NC) category stood at 3095 for Fashion Design, 5594 for Accessory Design, 3473 for Fashion Communication and 6295 for Textile Design. Therefore, candidates with ranks above 2500 are eligible for B.Des programmes. For BFTech and MFM the closing ranks were 789 and 1105, respectively. Candidates with ranks 500 - 700 and 1300 - 1500 are eligible for BFTech and MFM programmes respectively.

What is a good rank for NIFT Jodhpur?

The required minimum rank for the NIFT entrance exam frequently changes depending on the course. Every year, NIFT Jodhpur opening and closing ranks for a number of BDes specialisations change. For example, the NIFT Jodhpur cut off 2023 (closing rank) for the general category BDes in Fashion Design was 1384. Similarly, the closing rank for Accessory Design was 2954, Fashion Communication was 1391, and Textile Design was 2912.

Is 2000 a good rank for NIFT Jodhpur?

Yes, a 2000 rank is sufficient to gain entry into NIFT Jodhpur. One has the opportunity to be accepted into the BDes courses in Accessory Design or Textile Design. Admission to these two specialisations appears likely based on previous years' NIFT Jodhpur cutoff, when the closing rank (general category) for Textile Design was 2912 and for Accessory Design was 2954.

What is NIFT Jodhpur BDes Fashion Design cut off?

One of the most well-liked programmes is the BDes in Fashion Design. Based on the NIFT Jodhpur cutoff data from the previous year, the general category closing ranks were 1237 (2021), 1063 (2022), and 1384 (2023). Candidates have to meet the criteria to proceed to the admission process.

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Related Questions


Shweta Rastogi, Student / Alumni

-Answered on Nov-28-2024
Yes ,you can apply for NIFT entrance exam 2025 now. The application window is open and the last date to apply without a late fee in January 6,2025 with a late fee option available until January 9, 2025
Is gym facility available at NIFT Jodhpur?
-Anonymous -Updated on Sept-18-20201 Answers

Sukriti Vajpayee, Content Team

-Answered on Sept-18-2020

Dear student,

Yes, the gym facility is provided to students at the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Jodhpur. It is equipped with all the amenities that students require for working out. The gym is situated on the campus of NIFT Jodhpur and is open till late at night.

Please write back to us if you have any other doubts or queries. You can call our toll-free helpline number 1800-572-9877 to speak with the counsellors of CollegeDekho.

Thank you.

Admission Updates for 2025