The college has a Central library and various department libraries. The department libraries contain books relating to the respective subjects and are under the control of the Heads of Department. The central library contains a large stock of books related to numerous subjects and literatures. Students can borrow two books at a time and shall return it within the prescribed duration of time. Spoiling and damaging books invoke penalty
The college hostel for women has 26 rooms (dormitory type) and 75 inmates. The hostel is provided with recreational facilities like television, reading and to engage in cultural programmes during festival days and on annual occasions.
The scheme was launched in Mahatma Gandhi’s centenary year 1969 aimed at developing student’s personality through community service. The cardinal principles of N.S.S. Program is that it is organized by the students themselves, and both the students and teachers through their combined participation in community service, get a sense of involvement in the talks of nation building.
Camps are conducted by the N.S.S. and social service is carried out. Discussion and lectures on social issues form part of the camp in addition to social work. A village is adopted by the N.S.S. units of the college every year. It proposes to build one N.S.S. Bhavan for a selected family every year. All awards of the year 2012-2013 were won by Pandalam N.S.S college unit. Dr. B.Subash Babu was selected as the best program officer at University and State level. Shijin Varghese was selected as best volunteer of the University and the State. Shijin Varghese won the Indira Gandhi National Award for best volunteer, a prestigious award instituted by the President of India.
A nature club functions in the college with a view to inculcate the concept of environmental protection, conservation and management of resources in the mind of students. It is a voluntary organization affiliated to WWF.
Film club is a unique platform provided to the students of the college to watch, discuss and review a diverse range of national and international films, feeding their imagination and nurturing their social and intellectual development. With film studies entering into the curriculum, the working of the group has become more relevant. The club conducts various year-round programs like film workshops, discussions, celebrations, and remembrances of important events, tete a tete with film personalities and so on. Among the activities, the most prestigious are the conduct of the International Film Festival every year titled as Frames which dishes out a wide variety of films for viewing.
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STAS Pathanamthitta
B.A.M College