Overall: हमारी कॉलेज मैं ncc hai Orr ham ne Issey apni life मैं बोहोत ही ज्यादा महत्व दिया है ncc se हम ने अपने कैडेक्टर को परखा ही नही बल्कि समझा thankyou to DG ncc
Overall: I was naver forget my college days in my entire life I enjoyed very much my college days it is very much nice for me I remember always that day I miss my those college day
Placement: When had placement in our college evey people is very exited and every people have good knowledge and good thing for this job interview and students have very much prepared for this job
Infrastructure: My college infrastructure is very nice and very cool I am always know that in my college there is in my college have gym, canteen , thare is a parking place and many more
Faculty: In my faculty there is a lots of students are very intelligent and very hard working and it's very big faculty and it has lots of different students and professors
Hostel: There is a 3 building of hostel,and there is a different boys hostel and girl hostel there is also different boys hostel and girl hostel interior and it's very cool