Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum of 55% for part III for science and 45% for Humanities and Arts, 45% for Engineering.
A pass in with not less than 45% marks under part III or B.B.A /B.B.M of M.G. University with not less than 45% marks.
A pass in Plus Two or equivalent examination recognised by the M.G. University with. Book keeping & Accountancy and any of the following subjects viz. 1. Commerce 2 . Commercial correspondance and commercial geography , 3. Economics. 4. Life Science with salesmanship. 5. Banking with secretoarial practise 6. Business studies. 7. Mathematics, 8. Computer Science. 9. Computer Application 10. Informatics. & 11 Management. OR who have passed Plus Two or equivalent examination reognized by the University with other subjects under part III optional provided, they have secured 45% of aggregatemerles.
A pass in Plus Two or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Maths/Computer Science as optional and candidates who have passed C.B.S.E class XVII examination with any of subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology/Geography.
Mohali (Punjab)
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)