
Phulsing Naik Mahavidyalaya Questions and Answers

LocationYavatmal (Maharashtra)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 12:22 AM IST

Questions Asked On Phulsing Naik Mahavidyalaya, Maharashtra

RAJNI •  Dec-06-2024
M.SC in Botany and M.SC in Zoology are both postgraduate programs offered by Lovely Professional University(LPU)for students who wish to pursue advanced studies in the field of botany(Plant sciences)and zoology(Animals science)M.SC(HONS)Botany Duration 2Years 4 semester, Eligibility criteria Pass with 55% aggregate marks in the bachelors degree a botany or medical science and allied medical science(MBBS,BAMS,BDS,BHMS,Nursuing,MLT)or Biosciences(Biotech,Microbiology,Biochemstry,Bioinformatics,Gentics)or Life Sciences,Botany,Zoology or Plant Science or equivalent(5%relxation to north east states Sikkim candidates or defence personnel and their dependents of wards of Kashmiri migrants.
Sakunth Kumar •  Jul-19-2020

Dear Student,

Phulsing Naik Mahavidyalaya doe snot offer a course in Crop Science. The college offers B.Sc in Chemistry, Botany, Seed Technology. The admission process is based on the rules and regulations of Amravati University. The university is yet to release the official notification for admissions. The admission process is expected to begin in August. 

You can also fill the Common Application Form on our website for admission related assistance. You can also reach us through our helpline number 1800-572-9877.

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