
SGBAU Amravati Scholarships 2025 - Details, Eligibility, Amount

LocationAmravati (Maharashtra)
Updated on - Feb 25, 2025 10:09 AM IST

Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Scholarships

SGBAU scholarships include various financial assistance schemes given by the government and others. Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University believes that no deserving and needy students should be deprived of education based on his/her financial status. Hence, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University scholarships include various freeships and fellowships. These SGBAU scholarships include freeships under government schemes, medals, cash prizes, and scholarships by donation.

To know more about freeships, fellowships, and prizes offered under Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University scholarships programmes keep on reading. 

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SGBAU Amravati Scholarship Latest Update

February 25, 2025

Instructions for Online Payment of Fees - Guidelines for the online payment of fees through SBI have been released for students.

Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Scholarships under Government Schemes

Students can avail of various freeships and financial assistance from the Government of India for continuing education in SGBAU. The following names are of the various SGBAU scholarships available through government schemes.

  • Govt. of India Divyangjan 
  • Kishor Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY)
  • PG Scholarship for professionals for SC/ST
  • AICTE Scholarships 
  • National Scholarship Portal 
  • PM‐USP Scholarship Scheme 
  • Umbrella Scholarship 
  • Sarthi Scholarship 
  • BARTI 
  • Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE)
  • Ministry of Education 
  • Scholarship in India
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Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Scholarships run by donations

SGBAU scholarships also include fellowships and scholarships that are a part of donations. The table below shows the SGBAU scholarships thats are run by the donations received by the university.

SGBAU Scholarships Run by Government

Late Shri Shankarrao

Govindrao Jog & Smt.

Parvatibai Shankarrao Jog


3 Students at B.Sc. I, II & III having Physics as optional Subject. (Rs 500 per student for one year)

Late Dilip B. Shingore


A student of B.E. (Electrical Engineering) Final Year. (Rs 1500  for one year)

Late Dr. M.N. Kale Memorial

Research Scholarships

3 PhD Research Students from University Post Graduate Teaching Departments of 1) Physics 2) Chemistry 3) Home Science 4) Botany 5) Zoology 6) Bio-Technology 7) Micro-Biology 8) Computer Science 9) Geology 10) Statistics & 11) Mathematics. (Rs. 10,000/- per student per year for 2 years)

Veer Uttamrao Mohite


A Student of M.A. Part I (History) secures the highest number of marks in History in the B.A. examination.

(Rs. 2,800/- for one year)

Shri Sant Gulabrao Maharaj

Financial Suppor

A PhD researcher for research on Thoughts, Life & Literature of Sant Gulabrao Maharaj. (Rs. 6,000/- per year for two years)
Shri Tryambak Ganpatrao Kavalkar Research Scholarship A student with the highest marks in M.Sc (Botany) and registered for PhD (Botany) as a regular student at the Post Graduate Teaching Department of Botany. Preference to Economically Backword Class. (Rs. 25,000 per year for 2 years)
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Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Cash Prize and Medals

SGBAU scholarships also includes some cash prizes and medals that provide additional support to needy students.

SGBAU Gold Medals

Name of the gold medalParticulars of awarding cash prize
Rotary Club of Amravati Silver Jubilee Gold MedalA student who from amongst the successful candidates secures highest number of marks in B.Sc. Final examination of Amravati University held in Summer every year and has passed the examination in first attempt and in a minimum period.
Shri G.V Alias Bapusaheb Dange Memorial Gold MedalA student who from amongst the successful candidates secures highest number of marks at B.Ed. examination of Amravati University held in the month of March/ April  (Summer)  every  year  &  has  passed  the examination in first attempt and in a minimum period.
Late Smt. Saraswatibai Anandrao Raut Gold MedalA student who from amongst the successful candidates secures highest number of marks in Marathi Literature at B.A. examination of Amravati University held in the month of March/April (Summer) every year & has passed the examination in first attempt and in a minimum period.
Late Shri Anandrao Yeshwantrao Raut Gold MedalA student from among the successful candidates secures highest number of marks in Political Science at B.A. examination of Amravati University held in the month of March/April (Summer) every year & has passed the examination in first attempt and in a minimum period.
Late Shri N.A. Alias Balasaheb Athalye Gold Medal.A student who secured the maximum aggregate total marks but not less than 60% in the following subjects - a) Jurisprudence, b) Criminal Procedure Code c) Civil Procedure Code, d) Law of Evidence, at L.L.B. examination of Amravati University held in the month of March/April (Summer) every year & has passed the examination in first attempt and in a minimum period.

SGBAU Cash Prizes

Name of the cash prizesParticulars for awarding cash prize
Late Aniruddha Prabhakar Shete Memorial Cash Prize.A student who from amongst the successful candidates secures highest number of marks and stands first class first in Master of Commerce examination of the Amravati University held in the month of March/April (Summer) every year and has passed in first attempt.
Late Adv. N. R. alias Babasaheb Dhanagare Memorial Cash Prize.
A student who from amongst the successful candidates stands first class first in order of merit in 3 years course of Bachelor of Law (LL.B.) examination in a minimum period & in the first attempt of the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University held in the month of March/April (Summer) every year.
Shri.Radheshyam Murlidharji Ganediwal Cash Prize.
A student who from amongst the successful candidates stands IIIrd in order of merit in Bachelor of Commerce examination in a minimum period & in the first attempt of the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University held in the month of March/April (Summer) every year
Sau. Indira Radheshyam Ganediwal Cash Prize.A student who from amongst the successful candidates stands IInd in order of merit in Bachelor of Arts examination in a minimum period & in the first attempt of the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University held in the month of March/April (Summer) every year.
Shri. Nitin Arvind Deshmukh Memorial Cash Prize.A student who from amongst the successful candidates secures highest number of marks & stands first class 1st in order of merit in 5 years course of Bachelor of Law (LL.B.) examination (Semester Pattern) in a minimum period & in the first attempt in annual examination every year of the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University.
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Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Amravati Scholarship Statistics 2025

Gender Male Female
Total 192 91
OBC 36 40
SC 28 32
ST 1 2
Muslim 0 0
PWD 0 0
Minority Community 0 0
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Mrunmayai Bobade, Content Team

-Answered on Mar-05-2025

Dear student,

The registrations for ICAR 2025 are yet to begin. You can apply for the ICAR AIEEA 2025 exam via NTA’s official website Once the link is activated, the authority will publish a notification, after which you can register and fill out the ICAR AIEEA 2025 application form before the deadline.


Mrunmayai Bobade, Content Team

-Answered on Feb-24-2025

Dear student,

The official notification about the ICAR AIEEA 2025 application form release has not yet been declared by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Based on the previous year’s trends, the exam registrations are expected to begin in the fourth week of February 2025 for the UG-level programs and in the second week of April 2025 for the PG and PhD courses. Keep following the updates on our exam page to know when the form is released.


Samiksha Rautela, Content Team

-Answered on Feb-24-2025

Dear Student,

ICAR offers admission in Agriculture universities. It is a good option if you are planning to pursue a career in the Agriculture domain. A reliable timetable, consistency and solving last few years' papers are a few of the many ICAR AIEEA 2025 Exam Preparation Tips.

Has ICAR UG application started
-vasunthra -Updated on Feb-20-20252 Answers

Ponnala Harika, Student / Alumni

-Answered on Feb-20-2025
When exam

Mrunmayai Bobade, Content Team

-Answered on Feb-20-2025

Yes, students with PCMB subjects from any recognised board including the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) can appear for this national-level ICAR AIEEA 2025 exam.

However, as per the eligibility criteria of the exam, the students must score 50% aggregate marks in their HS exam (40% for SC/ST/PwD applicants). Currently, as WBCHSE HS exam results are not yet released for 2025, you can apply for ICAR AIEEA 2025 without meeting the minimum aggregate marks criteria but at the time of admission, you must have secured the minimum marks in your HS exam to be eligible for admission. Furthermore, the candidate must be 16 years of age as of August 31, 2025, to be eligible for the ICAR AIEEA UG exam 2025.

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