SCSA Coimbatore is a Private college in Coimbatore. SCSA Coimbatore offers B.Arch, M.Des in Design, Engineering. M.Des is offered in Communication Design, Industrial Design. B.Arch is offered in Architecture.
Name of faculty | Department | Designation | Education Qualification |
A.G.Rao | Industrial Design | Emeritus Professor | Graduated as a Mechanical Engineer, Post Graduate studies in Product Design at N I D (Ahmedabad) |
Overall: The college mission To cater educational needs of areas and socio- economically weaker sections of society and pursue quality and excellence in higher education as well as develop holistically human potential to face global challenges
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu)
ASFT Noida
NIFT Navi Mumbai