May/June 2025 Examinations Notification - Community College Consultancy Centre (CCCC) May/June 2025 Examinations - Notification.
UG Exams Notification - UG Exams Notification has been released. Students are advised to check for further details regarding examination schedules.
April 2025 PG Examinations Notification - Notification for the April 2025 PG Examinations has been released.
Applications Invited for Project Assistant - Applications are invited for the Project Assistant to work under the DST-ANRF-SURE Project at the Department of Chemistry.
Applications invited for Project Fellow - Nanoscience and Technology - Applications are invited for the Project Fellow to work under the CMRG Project at Department of Nanoscience and Technology.
April 2025 UG Examinations Notification - Notification regarding the upcoming UG examinations for April 2025 for affiliated colleges. (Event Date: 2025-04-01)
Patent Granted - Dr. K. Preethi - Department of Microbial Biotechnology - Dr. K. Preethi, Assistant Professor from the Department of Microbial Biotechnology along with Mr. P. Satheesh, were granted a patent for their research…
Patent Granted - Dr. T. Selvaraju - Faculty of Chemistry - Dr. T. Selvaraju and his team were granted Indian Patent for the discovery relates to the synthesis of new spinel materials made up of metal chalcogenides such as nic…
Patent Granted - Dr. D. Nataraj - Faculty of Physics - Prof. D. Nataraj and his scholar Dr. K. P. Thiruppathi were granted a patent for their research on developing a selective sensor device capable of sensing acetone at part…
PG Time Table Corrections - Corrections have been made to the time table for the following PG courses: MBA, MBA-IB, MCA, M.Com-CA, M.Com, M.Sc. Maths.
Language Papers Time Table - The time table for language papers has been released and is accessible for student reference.
Time Table for B.Sc., B.Com., and B.A. Courses - The time tables for B.Sc. courses, B.Com. courses, and B.A. courses have been updated and are now available for students.
ODL Programme April 2025 Examinations Notification - The Centre for Distance and Online Education has released the schedule for the upcoming April 2025 examinations. Detailed information regarding exam dates, venues, and registration deadlines will be provided shortly.
Online Registration for ODL Programme April 2025 Examinations - It is informed that the CDOE – ODL Programme Examinations application and fee will be collected from 29.01.2025 to 05.02.2025 through online mode only. The Examinations schedule for February 2025 for ODL Programme CDOE will be released shortly in the Bharathiar University website.
Elgiblity Criteria: BC-MBC students/scholars . Candidates should have secured minimum 75% of attendance in the previous year of study. Annual income of parents should be below Rs1,00,000/-
Documents Required: Attested Copy of 10th , +2, UG, PG, M.Phil Degree Mark statement, Provisional certificate / Degree Certificate, attested copy of break certificate obtained from Revenue Dept ( If needed ) . Two copies of the certificate of attendance earned by the student/scholar concerned in the previous year of study. Attested copy of Registration for M.Phil/ Ph.D. scholars. Attested copies of Transfer and Community certificates. Original income certificate obtained from the Revenue Authority.
Scholarship: Application can be had from the District Backward Applications Classes and Minority Welfare Office, Coimbatore-18
Applications received: Filled in applications with all respect should submit to the Registrar’s office for the date Prescribed in the office circular.
Eligiblity Criteria: SC-ST Converted Christian students. Candidates should be staying in the University Hostel. Annual income of the parents should be below Rs.50,000/-.
Documents Required: Attested Copy of 10th , +2, UG, PG, M.Phil Degree Mark statement, Provisional certificate / Degree Certificate, attested copy of break certificate obtained from Revenue Dept ( If needed ) . Two copies of the certificate of attendance earned by the student/scholar concerned in the previous year of study. Attested copy of Registration for M.Phil/ Ph.D. scholars. Attested copies of Transfer and Community certificates. Original income certificate obtained from the Revenue Authority. Affidavit should obtained from Notary Public in Rs.20/- bond sheet.
Loan Application: Application shall be obtained from the District Adi- Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Officer, Coimbatore-18.
Submission of Application: Filled in application should submit to the Registrar’s office on or before the date Prescribed in the office circular.
Gender | Male | Female |
Total | 1026 | 932 |
OBC | 301 | 401 |
SC | 414 | 321 |
ST | 14 | 24 |
Muslim | 0 | 0 |
PWD | 0 | 0 |
Minority Community | 573 | 272 |
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune
St. Xaviers College