Separate Hostel for Boy's and Girl's. Anti-ragging mechanism is established. Round the clock security at all necessary places. Timings: Students are not allowed to be outside the hostel after 9.00 pm. Students are allowed to study in library reading hall upto 11.00 pm . To facilities the students with easy access for stationery, laundry and other basic requirement shops are available in the campus. Facilities like groceries, fruits, stationery, Xerox, fruit salad, milk and all daily needs are available in shops.
Infrastructure: As it come to the infrastructure it is the biggest college in the entire city. Different and individual buildings for the each and every department. And libraries, sports facilities, halls are the best.
Hostel: There are best hostel amenities and services provided by the college campus near by the each and every course department along with transportation and vehicles to travel.
Infrastructure: Heres are most experience and well teachers are present For our help Its very good collage to learners and for the best Engineering tools are available to experiment.
Hostel: In sinhgad institute the hostel is very good and all faculty members are very carefully Its very good hostel to another hostels to be finding rest or other trips
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