SHAASCO is situated near Mettur Bridge on NH7 Dindgul - Madurai Main Road with Sirumalai in the back drop, on the north side of Dindigul City. Adequate transport facilities are available to reach the college easily. The College is built on a vast area of 2,25,075 square feet with clean and green environment and is endowed with basic facilities. Students who joins our college for under graduate study will get the opportunity to study to their best ability with the help of our dedicated and result oriented teaching and non-teaching staffs. A team of well qualified highly experienced and highly ded icated fullti me teachers are have been appointed. Tutorial system is the hallmark of our college to trigger potential Rank Holders. The Administration Block includes the SHAASCO Management’s Office, Principal’s Office, Staff Office, Main Library and Students Co-ordination Centre. The Offices are fully computerized for convenience of Students and Parents requiring access to the office for their fees payment and all other educational needs. The Library of our institution is the most preferred location by our Students and Staffs where knowledge in the mind of the student.
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Gandhi Mahavidyalaya (GM), Sundergarh