AIML Syllabus and Subjects

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Sep 24, 2024 21:22PM IST

Artificial Intelligence syllabus and Machine Learning syllabus includes topics, like Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Fundamentals, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning etc. The AI syllabus is typically divided into 8 semesters, depending on the course type. 

Artificial Intelligence Syllabus Overview

The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning syllabus teaches students about data collection, categorization, strategic planning, analysis, and interpretation. It is a specific field concerned with the development of embedded systems such as robots and IoT-based applications. The AI syllabus covers core subjects, elective subjects, projects, case studies, and experiments. The core subjects included in the Artificial Intelligence course syllabus are mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Machine Learning, etc. The elective subjects included in the AI and ML syllabus are Robotics and Automation, Cognitive Computing, Quantum AI, System Modeling and Design, Human-Computer Interface, etc. Core subjects are compulsory while candidates can choose electives as per their interest.

Artificial Intelligence syllabus and Machine Learning syllabus include other important subjects like Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Fundamentals, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, etc. The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning course structure is a mixture of class lessons, lab work, projects, practical sessions, case studies, internships, etc. The AI and ML course is offered at the undergraduate level, Postgraduate level, diploma level, certificate level, etc. Candidates must keep in mind that the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning syllabus varies according to degree level and institute. The top AI and ML colleges in India are IIT Delhi, VIT Vellore, IIT Madras, SRM Chennai, etc. Admission to AI and ML is done via entrance exam and on merits. 

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus Highlights

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are some of the best courses in IT and computer science today due to the high demand for skilled AI and ML professionals. Candidates planning to pursue a degree in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning should go through the syllabus and subjects once to get an idea of what they have to study. In this aspect, we have mentioned the important details about the Artificial Intelligence course syllabus and Machine Learning syllabus below. 

Particulars Details 
Course LevelDiploma, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Certificate Level
Core subjects 


Computer Science


Basic Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL)

Elective subjects 

System Modeling and Design

Quantum AI

Robotics and Automation

Internet of Medical Behaviour

Cognitive Computing

Software Architecture

Common Subjects 

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning

Object Oriented Programming

Computer Networks

Data Analytics

Deep Learning

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Subject List

Artificial Intelligence syllabus and Machine Learning syllabus might differ based on the course level (undergraduate, graduate, or professional). In addition, the AI syllabus and ML syllabus also vary as per the college. However, there are some common subjects that are usually included in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning syllabus. 

Candidates can check the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Subject List and topics below. 

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • Representing knowledge in AI systems
  • Propositional and predicate logic
  • Inference rules and reasoning techniques
Problem-Solving and Search Algorithms
  • Problem-solving methods in AI
  • Search algorithms: breadth-first search, depth-first search, A* search, etc.
  • Heuristic search techniques
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Definition and history of AI
  • Basic concepts and goals of AI
  • Applications and impact of AI in various fields
Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction
  • K-means clustering
  •  Hierarchical clustering
  •  Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE)
Machine Learning Fundamentals
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning
  • Evaluation Metrics in Machine Learning
Regression and Classification Algorithms
  • Linear regression
  • Logistic regression
  • Decision trees and random forests
  • Support Vector Machines (SVM)
  • Naive Bayes classifier
 Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Introduction to NLP
  • Text preprocessing techniques
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER)
  • Text generation
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Introduction to neural networks
  • Feedforward neural networks
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
  • Training deep learning models
Reinforcement Learning
  • Introduction to reinforcement learning
  • Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)
  • Q-learning
  • Deep Q-Networks (DQN)
  • Policy Gradient methods
Applications of AI and Machine Learning
  • Real-world applications in various domains such as healthcare, finance, robotics, autonomous vehicles, etc.
  • Ethical considerations and societal impact of AI
Advanced Topics (Optional)
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • Transfer learning
  • Reinforcement learning in robotics
  • Time series analysis
  • Bayesian methods
Hands-on Projects and Practical Implementation
  • Implementation of Machine Learning algorithms using libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, sci-kit-learn, etc.
  • Hands-on projects to apply AI and ML techniques to real-world datasets


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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus (Semester-Wise)

The AI syllabus, subjects, and course structure are different for UG degrees, PG degrees, and diplomas. Candidates can get a quick overview of the AI course syllabus and ML syllabus for various courses below. 

The detailed Artificial Intelligence course syllabus and Machine Learning course syllabus can be checked on the college website. 

AI Course SyllabusSubject List
B.Tech Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus
  • Programming in C
  • Data Structures with C
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Data Communication and Computer Networks
  • Functional Programming in Python
  • Database Management Systems & Data Modelling
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Robotics and Intelligent Systems
  • Algorithms for Intelligent Systems
  • Natural Language Processing
BCA Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus
  • Database Management Systems
  • Fundamentals of AI
  • Introduction to VR Programming
  • Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
  • Machine Learning Tools
  • 3d Interaction Design and 3D models for Virtual Reality
  • Designing Human Interfaces
  • Web Technologies
  • Foundation of Applied Mathematics
  • C# and .Net Framework
  • Computer Science & Applications
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus
  • Advanced-Data Structures And Algorithms
  • Foundations Of Data Science
  • Statistical Learning Theory
  • Probabilistic Graphical Models
  • Mathematics For Artificial Intelligence
  • Foundations Of Artificial Intelligence
  • Optimization Techniques
  • Embedded Systems
  • Robot Programming
  • Manufacturing Systems Automation
  • Reinforcement Learning
MCA Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus
  • Programming and Data Structures
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Database Management Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Operating Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning
  • Cloud Computing
MBA Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus
  • Business Statistics
  • Foundation of Computer Systems
  • Data Visualization
  • Strategic Management
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Machine Learning
  • R Programming for Data Analytics & Data Visualization
  • Performing Analytics
  • Marketing Management
  • Advanced Machine Learning
  • Nature Language Processing
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
MS in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus
  • Advanced Regression
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Designing Machine Learning Systems
  • Fundamentals of Generative AI, Chat GPT, and Prompt Engineering
  • Tree Models
  • Python for DS
  • Basic SQL
  • Advanced SQL
  • Introduction to MLops
  • Introduction to Neural Networks 
Diploma in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus
  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning Using Python
  • Advanced Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Cloud Essentials
  • Exploratory Data Analysis 
  • Linear Regression Module
  • Natural Language Processing 
Certificate in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus
  • Tree Models
  • Advanced NLP
  • Linear Regression Module
  • Cloud Essentials
  • Future Development of Generative AI
  • Scaling and Deployment of Generative AI
  • Model Selections


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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus Core & Elective Subjects

The Artificial Intelligence syllabus and Machine Learning syllabus include various subjects that include common subjects, optional subjects, core subjects, etc. The AI syllabus ML syllabus and subject lists might vary as per the institutes. However, some of the AI and ML subjects covered are common in all the colleges.

Candidates can check out the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Syllabus and subjects below. 

AI Syllabus Core Subjects

Core subjects are required courses that are compulsory for all the students. Candidates don't want to have the option to choose the core subjects. They are designed and structured by the colleges and the same for all the students. 

Candidates can check out the core subjects for the AI course syllabus and Machine Learning syllabus below. 

  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Computer Science
  • Basic Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Internet of Things
  • Computer Vision (Convolutional Neural Network – CNN)
  • Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
  • Reinforcement Learning (RL)
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL)

AI Syllabus Elective Subjects

The elective subjects are optional subjects that candidates can choose as per their wish. Each college provides a list of optional subjects from which students can pick. Candidates must choose elective subjects which interest them and align with their career goals. 

Given below are elective subjects for the Artificial Intelligence course syllabus and Machine Learning course syllabus. 

  • System Modeling and Design
  • Internet of Medical Behaviour
  • Quantum AI
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Cognitive Computing
  • Software Architecture
  • Human-Computer Interface
  • Pattern Recognition
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Course Structure for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is a field of study or disciplines that combines ideas, standards, methodologies, and discoveries from multiple areas such as mathematics, cognitive science, electronics, and embedded systems to create intelligent systems that imitate human behavior. 

The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning course structure includes core subjects, elective subjects, and some common subjects. Students studying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are taught Mathematics and Physics in modular formats throughout their first few semesters, after which the curriculum focuses on disciplines central to AI. This will serve to build research skills and innovative project creation in the fields of AI, ML, DL, networking, security, web development, Data Science, and new technologies for the benefit of society. 

The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning course framework includes:

  • Case Studies & Experiments
  • Real-Time Projects
  • Class lessons
  • Project work
  • Internships 
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective subjects
  • Internships
  • Practical Sessions
  • Experiments 
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Best Books for Artificial Intelligence Course Syllabus and Machine Learning

Candidates check some of the best books for AI syllabus and Machine Learning syllabus below. 

Name of the BookAuthor/ Publisher
Fundamentals of Data Structures in CE. Horowitz, S. Sahni and Susan Anderson Freed, Universities Press
Discrete MathematicsRichard Johnsonbaugh, 7ThEdn., Pearson Education
Discrete Mathematics and its Applications with Combinatorics and Graph TheoryKenneth H Rosen, 7th Edition, TMH
Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s ApproachRoger S. Pressman, 6th edition, Mc Graw Hill International Edition
Computer System ArchitectureM. Moris Mano, Third Edition, Pearson/PHI
Core Python ProgrammingWesley J. Chun, Second Edition, Pearson
Database System ConceptsSilberschatz, Korth, Mc Graw hill, V edition
Advanced Programming in the UNIX EnvironmentW.R. Stevens, Pearson education
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Entrance Exams

The entrance exams conducted for Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning depend upon the level of course you are applying for admission. If you are studying B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning then JEE Main, JEE Advanced, MHT CET, WBJEE, KCET, etc are popular entrance exams. If you are studying BCA in AI & ML course then you have to appear for entrance exams like IPU CET, CUET, SET, etc.

Candidates can check out the entrance exam conducted for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning courses below. 

Course NameEntrance Exam Conducted
B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning JEE Main, MHT CET, WBJEE, COMEDK UGET, SRMJEEE, KEAM, TS EAMCET etc.
M.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning GATE, TANCET, Karnataka PGCET, Gujarat PGCET, TS PGCET etc.
BCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning IPU CET, CUET UG, SET BCA etc.
MCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning NIMCET, WBJECA, MAH MCA CET, TANCET MCA, JNU MCA, AP ICET etc. 
MBA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning CAT, MAT, KMAT, TANCET, TSICET etc. 


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