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Jun 24, 2023 07:32AM IST

Audiology Overview

Audiology is the field of study focused on the anatomy and physiology of auditory senses in living beings. Audiology courses can be studied after completing 10+2 higher secondary education in India. After completing a bachelor’s course, students can study further and specialise in Audiology-related fields by pursuing a master’s or PhD degree. To be eligible for any audiology programme, applicants need to complete the necessary elementary education and sit for either the NEET entrance exam or a college-specific entrance exam.

Audiology courses can be extremely beneficial, especially for students wishing to pursue a unique career path in medical sciences. Some of the best Indian colleges for course study are Christian Medical College, Jawahar Lal Institute of Medical Education & Research, AIIPMR, and SRM Institute of Science & Technology. The overall course fee can range from INR 500 to INR 20,00,000 depending on the qualification and type of audiology course chosen.

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Audiology Course Highlights

Students can refer to the following summarised course highlights about audiology courses in India:

Name of the Course


Parent Stream

Anatomy and Physiology; 

Life & Medical Sciences

Qualifications Available

Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate

Highest Qualification

PhD Degree in Audiology

Online Courses

Certificate Courses Available

Entrance Exams

College Entrance Exams and NEET

Average Course Duration

4 months - 3 years

Average Course Fees

INR 500-20,00,000

Top Medical Colleges

Christian Medical College, Jawahar Lal Institute of Medical Education & Research, and SRM Institute of Science & Technology

Career Opportunities

Hospital Department Head, Clinical Department Head, For-profit Health Institution, University Professor

Average Starting Salary 

INR 3,00,000-10,00,000

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Why Study Audiology?

Audiology courses can prove highly beneficial for students in medical sciences. If the audiology courses are observed in the spotlight, the following reasons are why students pick this field of study:

Socio-economic Rewarding Career: Audiologists not only serve society as medical professionals but also serve those patients who are nearing the loss of hearing or are born deaf.

Huge Scope of Advancement: The most advanced course of treatment in the field of auditory sciences is the Hearing Impairment Correction Device. This device has helped many people suffering from acute hearing loss, however, those born with the disability have yet to be catered to. Hence, there is a huge scope of advancement in this field, both in terms of technology and medicinal treatment.

Base of Advanced Biological Diseases: Hearing-related problems are often a primary symptom of advanced heart or neuro diseases, such as dementia, clotting, chronic anxiety, etc. Audiologists help save their patients from severe diseases and biological conditions by helping them identify problems on a very basic level.

Chance to Create Social Awareness: Study of audiology is a huge benefit to society. With disabilities being viewed as a subject of pity, audiologists can work towards removing this stigma and educating the masses.

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Types of Audiology Courses

The types of Audiology courses available in India are summarised below:

Audiology Course Type

Course Duration


Certificate Courses

2-6 months

Short-term courses that can be taken in addition to a full-time degree or individually.

Covers certain areas of audiology, generally basics, to impart knowledge.

Diploma Courses

1-2 years

Long-term courses which try to cover all the basics as well as advanced level topics of the specialisation in a single course.

These courses are available at both UG and PG level.

Bachelor’s Audiology Courses

3 years

Students become degree-qualified graduates on completion of this course.

Master’s Audiology Courses

2 years

These are degree courses similar to bachelor’s courses, except on an advanced level. Upon completion, students are considered qualified professionals.

PhD Audiology Courses

3-6 years

An advanced degree course that requires students to delve deeper into the subject of audiology and pursue research.

Upon completion, students get a Doctorate in their research subject area.

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Entrance Exams for Audiology Courses

The entrance exams applicable for admission to audiology courses in India are:

  • University Entrance Tests: They are conducted by different colleges for internal admissions, such as Delhi University Entrance Exam, SRM University Entrance Exam, etc.

  • Common Entrance Tests: Entrance exams like the NEET-UG or NEET-PG are examples of common entrance exams required for audiology courses in India.
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Audiology Courses Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria to get admission in audiology courses differ as per course type and study level.

Certificate Audiology Courses

The eligibility criteria for certificate audiology courses are neither extensive nor demanding. If students can pay a lump-sum amount as tuition or programme fees then, students are registered for a certificate course in audiology.

Diploma & PG Diploma Audiology Courses

To get considered for admission to diploma courses, students must have:

  • At least 50% in 10+2, for general audiology diploma courses, or

  • At least 50% in bachelor’s degree for audiology PG diploma courses.

Bachelor’s in Audiology Courses

The exact eligibility criteria for audiology bachelor’s courses admission will differ according to the medical college or institution. Generally, the following requirements are commonly dictated by colleges in India:

  • At least 50% in 10+2 higher secondary examinations, and

  • Cut-off marks in college entrance examinations.

Master’s in Audiology Courses

The common eligibility criteria for admission to master’s audiology courses are:

  • A bachelor’s degree in audiology or medicinal sciences,

  • Cut-off scores in college entrance examinations, and

  • Performance in the college admissions interview.

PhD in Audiology Courses

Colleges consider the students for PhD audiology courses if they:

  • Have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in audiology or medical sciences,

  • Clear cut-off in college or national entrance examinations, and

  • Clear the GD and personal interview sessions of college admissions.

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How to Get Admission to Audiology Courses in India?

The admission process for different types of Audiology courses is given below.

Bachelor’s in Audiology Courses

To get admission to bachelor’s in audiology courses in India, students need to:

Step 1: Shortlist the colleges and check their course structure.

Step 2: Outline eligibility criteria and course fees, and check for any college entrance test.

Step 3: Attempt the college entrance exam.

Step 4: Compile the entrance exam scores and other documents required for the application.

Step 5: Fill out the application form and attach/upload the test transcript and other documents.

Step 6: Await the college acceptance letter or admissions list after paying the application fee.

Master’s in Audiology Courses

Students can apply for master’s in audiology courses through the steps below:

Step 1: Shortlist the colleges and meet the eligibility criteria.

Step 2: Appear for the entrance examination.

Step 3: Apply for admission with college entrance examination scores and other required documents.

Step 4: Pay the application fee and await an invitation for the college admissions interview.

Step 5: Appear for the college admissions interview and await the college acceptance letter or admissions list.

PhD in Audiology Courses

The steps to apply for PhD audiology courses are:

Step 1: Shortlist the colleges on basis of course structure, fees, and eligibility criteria.

Step 2: Clear the college or national entrance examination.

Step 3: Apply for admission with entrance examination scores and other documents.

Step 4: Pay the application fee and await an invitation to the college admissions process.

Step 5: Appear for the GD interview session and clear the same.

Step 6: Appear for the personal interview session.

Step 7: Await the college acceptance letter or admissions list.

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Top Colleges to Study Audiology in India

Top 10 colleges in India to study Audiology, along with their annual tuition fees are given below:

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Audiology Study Abroad

Indian students can opt to study audiology courses abroad in foreign universities. The best universities abroad to study audiology courses are:



University of Oxford


University of Cambridge


Stanford University


Johns Hopkins University


Columbia University


University College London (UCL)


University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)


Duke University


University of British Columbia


University of Toronto


University of Pennsylvania


The University of Sydney


National University Singapore (NUS)


University of Copenhagen


The University of Tokyo


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Average Course Fees of Audiology

The average fees for audiology courses in India differs not only on qualification basis but on an institutional basis as well. Generally, the fee structure in private medical colleges is higher than in government or public medical colleges.

Audiology Course

Annual Tuition Fees (in INR)

Certificate Courses & Online Courses


Diploma Courses


Bachelor’s Audiology Courses


Master’s Audiology Courses


PhD Audiology Courses


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Audiology Syllabus

Although the syllabus of audiology courses is different for all colleges, the common subjects covered by the courses across varying degrees are:

  • Speech and Language Pathology

  • Human Anatomy and Physiology

  • Acoustics and Electronics

  • Linguistics

  • Psychology related to Speech and Hearing

  • Speech Pathology and Audiology

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Career Scope for Audiology in India

Upon completion of audiology courses in India, students can try for the following professional courses as their careers:

  • Audiologist

  • Speech Pathologist

  • Audiometry Technician

  • Auditory Courses Professor

  • ENT Hospital or Clinic Head

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Audiologist Salary in India

The salary of an audiologist in India in the starting years ranges from INR 4,00,000 to INR 8,00,000. With time and experience, audiology professionals earn an average of INR 20,00,000 annually.

Job Profile

Annual Salary (in INR)



Speech Pathologist


Audiometry Technician


Auditory Courses Professor


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Required Skills to Become an Audiologist

Audiology courses will help the students to become qualified Audiologists. However, there are some inherent and developed skills that students need to be successful in their professional life. These skills are holistic, which is the combination of both hard and soft skills.

  • Communication: An audiologist must be a great communicator in all mediums, such as written, spoken, and sign language. This is because their patients are hearing impaired and they need to communicate with them to know their problems and suggest solutions.

  • Critical thinking: The information they will get from their patients and their guardians will be highly informal, and to convert the same into workable deductions, an Audiologist requires critical thinking.

  • Information Analysis: An audiologist has to decipher non-traditional bits of information when working on the case of any patient. It includes alphanumeric data, and they must know how to deduct them into usable information.

  • Management Skills: Although an Audiologist is a science field professional, they must also have basic management skills such as organising, time management, delegation, direction, operations management, negotiation, persuasion, etc.
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FAQs about Audiology

Is NEET applicable for audiology courses in India?

Yes, NEET may be applicable for audiology courses in India. Rather than conducting separate entrance exams, most government colleges ask for NEET scores. Even if your chosen college does not require the NEET scores compulsorily, the scores will still be considered for admission and there is a chance of deduction in tuition fees on their basis.

What is the qualification required to become an Audiologist in India?

The minimum level of qualification required to become an Audiologist in India is a bachelor’s degree. You can become a trainee under a qualified Audiologist with a certificate or diploma degree, however, a bachelor’s is required to become a qualified Audiologist.

Do I become a doctor after studying audiology courses in India?

Yes, audiologists are doctors of hearing and speech anatomy. However, upon completing a bachelor’s or master’s course you cannot become a doctor of audiology. The bachelor’s degree which provides the qualification of a “Doctor” is MBBS, while the degrees provided by mentioned audiology courses are B.Sc. and M.Sc. Hence, you are a professional but not a doctor.

What is the full form of ENT?

The full form of ENT is Ear, Nose, and Throat. Hence, a professional or Doctor of ENT is a specialist who treats their patients for the problems relevant to these three senses. Upon completing the audiology courses, you can become an audiologist, who is a specialist in ear-related or auditory issues. To gain an ENT specialisation you need to pursue two more speciality courses.

Is Audiologist a good career option?

Yes, becoming an audiologist is a good career option in India. You can not only help patients suffering from auditory impairments but also pursue advancement and research in the field of anatomy and physiological sciences. There is a special scope of research and development in this field and there is much to be explored and the public can still benefit from upcoming processes.

What are the average course fees to study audiology abroad?

The average course fees to study audiology abroad can range from INR 5,00,000-25,00,000 per year. The annual tuition fees are highly dependent on the qualification level and the country you choose to study abroad. Some of the best countries to study audiology courses are the UK, USA, Singapore, Canada, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, the Philippines, and Germany.

Which is the best college in India for audiology courses?

The best college in India for audiology courses is AIISH (All India Institute of Speech and Hearing), Mysore. The college is the best for audiology courses in India and has trained many speeches and hearing professionals, such as Arpita Bose and A.D.S.N. Prasad.

Why is a PhD degree necessary for an audiologist in India?

A PhD degree is necessary for an audiologist in India as the bachelor’s and master’s courses provide a qualification of B.Sc. and M.Sc., respectively. Hence, you can become a professional audiologist but not a doctor from these qualifications. You need to complete a PhD in audiology to get the Doctorate qualification and only then you can get a licence to practice.

What is the job of a Speech Pathologist after completing audiology courses?

The job of a speech pathologist after completing audiology courses is to help patients suffering from speech impairments and issues whose core problems are related to auditory senses. They act as consultants and therapists for their patients and help them overcome their speech problems through medication, practices, and other techniques.

What does an Audiometry Technician do?

An audiometry technician is a specialist who designs and manufactures hearing devices. They use the diagnosis of an ENT specialist or Audiologist to understand the level of support required by the patient, that is if the deafness is acute, normal, or minor. It is on this basis they design the hearing device and specify the intensity of its parts.

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Sohini Bhattacharya, Content Team

-Answered on Nov-11-2024

Dear Student,

The average course fee structure for BSc Nursing at the Vijay Krishna College of Nursing ranges from INR 20,000 to INR 2,50,000 yearly. The selection process for the BSc Nursing course at Vijay Krishna College of Nursing is purely done on a merit basis. Students are required to subjit the course admission fee for the BSc Nursing degree at the Vijay Krishna College of Nursing, Visakhapatnam in online and offline modes to confirm their admission seat. As per the eligibility criteria for admission to BSc Nursing at the VKC College, Visakhapatnam, students are deemed eligible who pass higher secondary with at least 50% marks in aggregate, with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as the core subjects at the 10 + 2 level. For more information related to the admission process, important dates, and fee structure, interested candidates are requested to contact the administrative cell of the college at its official email address or phone number.

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Apoorva Bali, Content Team

-Answered on Nov-08-2024

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Apoorva Bali, Content Team

-Answered on Nov-08-2024


PhD Admission at Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole University has been closed. The entrance was conducted on June 15, 2024. Currently, universities like ST Joseph College, Devagiri, Ambah PG College, Madhya Pradesh, and top IITs are conducting PhD admission through entrances such as IIT JAM and university-level entrances. For any further inquiries, please reach us at

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