There are total 36 B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education) colleges in Patna. Out of the total, 29 B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education) colleges are private and 1 B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education) are owned by the government. Top 10 B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education) colleges are Anugrah Narayan College, Tapindu Institute Of Higher Studies, Islamia Teachers' Training (B.Ed) College, Women's Training College, St. Xavier's College of Education, Patna, Mundeshwari College for Teacher Education, Bihar College of Teacher Education, Raghu Nandan Teachers Training College, Patna Women's College, Shivam College of Higher Studies.
Total Number of colleges | 36 |
Average Fees | ₹ 41.7 K |
College Name | Fees | Exams Accepted |
Anugrah Narayan College | - | - |
College of Teacher Education, Saharsa | - | - |
Mahabodhi Mahavidyalaya | - | - |
Tapindu Institute Of Higher Studies | - | - |
Mithila Teacher's Training College | - | - |
Millat Teachers Training College | - | - |
Islamia Teachers' Training (B.Ed) College | - | - |
Ganauri Ramkali Teachers Training College | - | - |
Women's Training College | ₹ 40000.0 | - |
St. Xavier's College of Education, Patna | ₹ 30000.0 | - |
College Name | Seat Intake | Average Fees |
Islamia Teachers' Training (B.Ed) College | - | - |
St. Xavier's College of Education, Patna | - | ₹ 30000 |
Mundeshwari College for Teacher Education | - | - |
Raghu Nandan Teachers Training College | - | - |
Shivam College of Higher Studies | - | - |
Ramrup Prasad B.Ed. College | - | - |
Mirza Ghalib Teacher s Training College | - | ₹ 55000 |
Patliputra Teachers' Training College | - | - |
K.S. College of Professional Education | - | - |
Takshila College of Education | - | - |
Applied Filters :
1,00,000 Fees
NCTE Accredition
30,000 - 1,80,000 Fees
NAAC Accredition
CBSE 12th Exams
1,100 - 1,81,000 Fees
AICTE-UGC Accredition
5 Lacs Avg Package
GMAT Exams
UGC Accredition
1,750 Fees
NCTE Accredition
NCTE Accredition
NCTE Accredition
NCTE Accredition
NCTE Accredition
40,000 Fees
NCTE Accredition
NCTE Accredition
NCTE Accredition
NCTE Accredition
ncte Accredition
ncte Accredition
ncte Accredition
11,500 Fees
ncte Accredition
CBSE 12th Exams