There are total 1 B.Tech. + M.Tech. colleges in Kanchipuram. and 1 B.Tech. + M.Tech. are owned by the government.
College Name | Fees | Exams Accepted |
IIT Madras | ₹ 200000.0 | - |
VIT Vellore | ₹ 487000.0 | - |
SRM University Chennai | - | - |
Bharathidasan University | - | - |
IIITDM Kancheepuram | - | - |
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai | ₹ 125500.0 | - |
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College | ₹ 250000.0 | - |
Sri Krishna College of Technology | ₹ 250000.0 | - |
Excel Group Of Institutions | ₹ 100000.0 | - |
Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | ₹ 250000.0 | - |
Applied Filters :
1,06,950 - 1,81,200 Fees
Other Accredition
12 Lacs Avg Package
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