Government of Tamil Nadu (State) Post Matric Scholarship to Backward classes, Most Backward classes and Denotified Community students.
Government of Tamil Nadu (State) Scholarship and “Free Education” to First Generation Students belonging to Backward classes upto UG Degree level.
Government of Tamil Nadu (State) Scholarship and Free Education belonging to Most Backward classes and Denotified Community students up to UG Degree level.
Government of India Post Matric Scholarship to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes students.
Government of Tamil Nadu Free Education up to degree level Scheduled Tribes students (those who are not getting Government of India scholarship).
State Loan Scholarship belonging Scheduled casts and scheduled Tribes students residing in the Hostel.
Government of India Scheme of Scholarship for the Physically Handicapped students.
National Merit Scholarship.
National Loan Scholarship.
Educational Concessions and Scholarship to the children of Freedom fighters.
Educational Concessions and Scholarship to the children of Defense Service personal and Ex-servicemen.
Scholarship to the children of Defense Service personal working in N.C.C.
Scholarship for N.C.C Students selected for Khedakwasala Training Course for the Training period.
State Collegiate Scholarship
Scheme of payment of stipend to full time Ph.D. research scholars in Govt. and aided colleges
State Scholarship to the children of teachers in primary and secondary schools.
Educational Concessions and Scholarship to the children of repatriates from Sri Lanka / Burma.
For those pursuing their studies in Tamil Medium Government of Tamil Nadu is giving Book Allowance of Rs. 400/- per year.
Adhoc Merit Scholarships to Scheduled Casted and Scheduled Tribes students who have secured 60% and above marks in the +2 Higher Secondary Examinations and secured admission in colleges, Arts and Professional.
Award of Prize Money to Scheduled Casts and Scheduled Tribes students who have secured 60% and above marks in the final degree examinations of UG and PG.
Tamil Nadu Educational Trust Scholarship.
Students Aid Fund
Jawaharlal Nehru Science Talent Book Scheme.
Aditanar Educational Institution Scholarship (Management Scholarship)
TamilNadu Chief Minister's Farmers Security Scheme Scholarship.
Minority Communities Scholarship.
UGC. - Post-Graduate Merit Scholarsh for University Rank Holders.
UGC - Post-Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child
UGC - Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/ST Candidate
UGC - Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for Students with Disabilities
E.V.R.Nagammai Scholarship – Free Education for the Girl Students Studying in PG Course.
Students Aid Fund – College Level
The Tea Board Scholarship.
The Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education, Government of India Scholarship.
Central Government of India Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Scholarship.
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Science College (SC), Kokrajhar