
Alpha Arts and Science College (AASC), Chennai Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationChennai (Tamil Nadu)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 12:34 PM IST

Alpha Arts and Science College (AASC), Chennai Overall Rating

(Based on 22 reviews)
Infrastructure 3.0/5
Placement 4.2/5
Hostel 1.0/5
Faculty 3.7/5
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What students says about Alpha Arts and Science College (AASC), Chennai

  • Wipro, TCS, HCL, and Avasoft are some of the companies that recruit from this college
  • The college has a good campus with good infrastructure
  • The college has good staff and faculty
  • The college is doing quite good in its coaching and encouraging other extra curricular
  • The college needs to improve its infrastructure

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Alpha Arts and Science College (AASC), Chennai Reviews

Best college in Chennai
By Akash | B.Sc in Electronics and Communication Science | 2002
March 18, 2024 12:38:11

Overall: Alpha arts and science college in Chennai is the best college for middle class people because the fees structure is minimum and the coaching was excellent. Placement are more then we expect

Placement: In alpha arts and science college the placement takes place in TCS, vibro and many bug companies. Students are placed in big company with expected salary.

Infrastructure: Alpha arts and science college building are look like a ancient building. They're pretty and nice place. Ground are very big and students have many place to take a look. The blocks are very clean and neat, the surrounding place are attractive and fresh. It's a good place for inner peace

Faculty: Alpha arts and science college staff are friendly with the students. Principal and vice principal are students friendly. They give whatever the students ask and request. It's the best staff college i ever seen

Hostel: Hostel are feels like our own house. Food are very hygienic and good. They provide 3 time food with best quality and taste. The charge less money for hostel fees.








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Alpha arts and science college [overall review]
By Rajesh | M.Sc in Biotechnology | 2022
March 15, 2024 08:47:22

Overall: infrastructure of this collage is very bad,, building are very old,, dirty classes,, there no place for parking,, but faculty of this university ois very good

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Alpha arts and science college, Porur, Chennai
By Vijay.M | B.Sc in Computer Science | 2017
May 28, 2020 06:39:29

Overall: I am a student of Alpha college and i completed my degree with distinction. ( B.Sc computer science -shift I)I completed in PG in cyber security from UNOM . This information i got from my department only. our teachers gave a seminar on available courses. In which they talked about this course. I joined the course and now i am working as cyber secuity professional. Our dept have well configured lab. All softwares. Infrastuctures are very good. good college in chennai to do computer science .

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Alpha college, chennai. porur. good college
By Lavanya M | B.Sc in Computer Science | 2017
May 28, 2020 06:34:16

Overall: I was studying in alpha during the academic year 2014-17. I am from Salem . I completed PG and preparing for group exams. When i was asked by the department about what is goal in life one day in the department meeting, i said that i want to become a police officer. Therafter whenever i stepped into the department , , teachers of my department used to called me as an officer. It influenced me to become an IPS oficer. Now i am doing preparation for group exams. One day i will become an IPS officer. All ceredit goes to my department and college.

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Alpha college, Chennai, Porur-good place to do computer science (Shift I)
By Mythili | B.Sc in Computer Science | 2017
May 28, 2020 06:27:58

Overall: I complted B.Sc computer science (Shift I ) in 2017 and received the degree at Music Academy Function. I am pursuing my PG in abroad. I was a representative of the class. I got offer letter from 3 MNCs. My department teachers, lab assistant, HOD , placement coordinator are very good. timing is also vey comfortable. I learnt many things from this college. My classmates who are very naughty are also properly handled, counseled by the the department now they are working AAI, Delhi. Teachers of AASC gave great effort to make us good citizen.

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AASC is My college and I was an Alphian
By Keerthana B | B.Sc in Computer Science | 2017
May 28, 2020 06:21:21

Overall: This college is very good college in every means. I am working as school teacher in CBSE school. I was properly guided by my dept (Computer science Shift I) placement coordinator, teachers are very good in guiding the students. My passion is to become teacher after i was so impressed my department teachers.

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I am a Computer science Shift I student (2017 batch)
By shilpa.AS | B.Sc in Computer Science | 2017
May 28, 2020 06:16:19

Overall: Now i have completed MBA only becuase of the input and education i auquired from AASC. The staff are very good and hard working. Also they motivate us in many ways. Good Lab facility. good college for learning.

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good college to study and to get placed
By Sharmila | B.Sc in Computer Science | 2017
May 28, 2020 06:10:59

Overall: I am an alumni of Alpha college. I was the student of 2014-17. I was placed in IT. Becuase of the college and the computer science shift I placement coordinator Aruna Madam, HOd sir, Theivam sir and placement coordinator Geetha madam helped me to get placement. In my batch all students received more than 3 offer letters. It was a great feeling when my appointment order is given to my parents. They felt very happy.

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Arts and Sceince college porur good college to study
By KIRAN | B.Sc in Computer Science | 2017
May 28, 2020 06:06:10

Overall: I was doing B.Sc computer science in this college during 2014-17. Good lab,teachers,discipline, events. Everything good. all my classmates are well placed. even the students who are so called bad students are also placed in companies because of the department teachers motivation. but one thing is missed. our seniors had college tour. The current principal cancelled this. we missed the chance. that is one thing very bad in this college. I am doing IAS course now.

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