The total land of Bhagwan Shri Chakradhar Swami College of Physical Education is 05 Acres, dn this 5 acres land the institution has feed 02 acres la"4 for construction work purpose and 03 acres laed for ground purpose. At Bhagwan Shri Chakradhar Swami College of Physical Education the students are endowed with all convenient amenities that make their life 'go easy' in college hours, alongside make learning more interesting. Some of the facilities include well ventilated classrooms, recreational areas, commen room for boys and girls, indoor and outdoor games, stocked library, activity room, Learning resource center, Office Room, Store Room, Laboratory Rooms, medical facilities etc.
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Chittorgarh (Rajasthan)
Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)