Placement: This college have a nice placement cell which will help you to regain your low confidence and will help you to interact with other teams regarding your courses.
Placement: Students get jobs here from the campus placement drives. The training and placement cell of the college groom the students to face interviews. Eligible students get good job offers from eminent recruiters.
Placement: The basis for college placement is the fact that these tools are learning. The counsel initiates our preliminary gurus for interviews and employment. Many student have been put under general working environment in several famous companies.
Placement: The college is very good for giving jobs which makes a plus point for the students as the college has some really very good connections outside and everywhere.
Placement: University do provide placement opportunities to it's students. But the packages that students gets are not that much good, it stood at 5 LPA , While some students not be able to even get the placement.
Placement: Bharati Vidyapeeth institute of management and research ( B.V.M.I.R) (deemed to be ) university provides excellent placement opportunities to the students
Delhi (Delhi)
New Delhi (Delhi)
Delhi (Delhi)
New Delhi (Delhi)
Jaipuria Institute of Management (JIM), Lucknow
Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management (VJIM), Hyderabad
IIM Bangalore