
CSI College of Engineering - Ketti Campus Facilities - Hostel Fees, Infrastructure, Address

LocationThe Nilgiris (Tamil Nadu)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 22:31PM IST

CSICE Campus

The Library and the Information Centre is the window to the world of Knowledge. We are living in an era of information explosion. Every hour, a new theory a thought a new philosophy, new discoveries, new innovations is released for mankind. Our college has a well equipped computerized library to satisfy the intellectual demands of our students and faculty members. It contains 24,280 Volumes which include 8755 unique titles.829 Back Volumes, 720 Thesis, 48 Current National Journals.OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) facility is also available at the library entrance to facilitate online search of books available in the library with Title, Author, Key-word and Subject search options. Multiple copies of popular books are bought to make them available to as many students as possible. A copier facility is also provided for the benefit of those who access the library. Fully automated for day-to-day operations. Specialised CD's on a variety of topics, including engineering, computers and management, are available

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CSICE Hostel & Fees Structure

Hostels provide good and safe facilities of lodging and boarding to cater to the needs of outstation students. Separate hostel facilities are available for boys and Girls. The Principal is Warden of all hostels and he is assisted by Deputy Wardens and Assistant Wardens in the day to day running of the hostels. The Separate Boys & Girls hostel with all necessary infrastructure & facilities is situated within the campus. Excellent Hostel facilities are provided for the students coming from various part of the world. The ambience is so much of a home hence the hostel can be called a home away from home. Care is taken to provide nutritious and hygienic food to all. The Hostel wardens give good attention to every detail because they are present round the clock.

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Students Activities & Clubs

Nature Club -

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb A Healthy Ecology is the Basis for a Healthy Economy. To halt the decline of an ecosystem, it is necessary to think like an ecosystem. Ever doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. The objectives are:

  • To create awareness of biodiversity conservation and local environmental issues among students.
  • To create a ‘clean and green consciousness’ among students through various innovative methods.
  • To involve Eco Club students in open-orientation programs in rural areas.

NCC Club -

The National Cadet Corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its head Quarters at New Delhi. It is open to school and college students on voluntary basis. The National Cadet Corps in India is a voluntary organization which recruits cadets from high schools, colleges, and Universities all over India. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades. The officers and cadets have no liability for active military service once they complete their course but are given preference over normal candidates during selections based on the achievements in the corps.

Motto of NCC

  • Unity and Discipline (Ekta Aur Anushasan)
  • DG's four Cardinal Principals of Discipline
  • Obey with a smile
  • Be Punctual
  • Work hard and without fuss
  • Make no excuses and tell no lies

Aims of NCC

To develop qualities of character, courage, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, the spirit of adventure and sportsmanship and the ideals of selfless service among the youth to make them a useful citizen.

To create a human resource of organized trained and motivated youth to provide leadership in all walks of life including the Armed Forces and be always available for the service of the nation.


"I do hereby solemnly promise that I will serve my motherland most truly and loyally and that, I will abide by the rules and regulations of the National Cadet Crops. Further under the command and control of my commanding officer, I will participate in every camp most sincerely and wholeheartedly".


We the cadet of the national cadet corps, do solemnly pledge that we shall always uphold the unity of India. We resolve to be disciplined and responsible citizen of our nation. We shall undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for our fellow beings.


The following acts namely will be the breaches on the part of discipline apart from the regular command from superiors in rank, according to NCC Act and Rules, during service or before getting officially discharged through discharge certificate.

When on parade, engaged on any service duty, or wearing uniform, when not discharged officially from NCC (a) Strikes, or uses or offers violence to, or uses threatening or insubordinate language too, or behaves with contempt towards his superior officer; or (b) Disobeys any standing order of, or lawful command given by, his superior officer; or (c) Neglect to obey a general or unit order, made specially applicable to the National Cadet Corps, by the Officer Commanding the unit to which he belongs ; or (d) Is in a state of intoxication; or

Fails to appear at the place time fixed or to attend at any place in his capacity as a Cadet Corps, when duly required so to attend or when on parade without sufficient cause quits the ranks;

Fails to perform any part of the training which by or under the Act he is required to perform;

Strikes, or uses of offers violence to any person whether subject to any law relating to the Armed Forces or not in whose custody he is placed, and whether such person is or is not his superior officer;

Resists an escort whose duty it is to arrest him or detain him in custody;

Being under arrest or detention or otherwise in lawful custody escapes or attempts to escape;

When in charge of any property belonging to any Government of any law relating to the Armed Forces or not in whose custody whether such person is or is not his superior officer;

When in charge of any property belonging to any Government of India or to a unit or part thereof of the National Cadet Corps, makes away with, or is concerned in making away with any such property;

Willfully injuries, or by culpable neglect losses or causes injuries to any such property as is specified in clause or to property belonging to an Armed Forces unit, institute or mess;

knowingly furnishes a false return or report of the number or state of men/women under his/her command or charge, or of any money arms or ammunition, clothing, equipment, stores or other property in his charge;

Through design or culpable neglect omits to make or send any return of any matter mentioned in clause which it is his/her duty to make or send;

When it is his/her official duty to make a declaration respecting any matter, makes a declaration respecting such matter which he/she either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true;

Knowingly makes against any person subject to any law relating to the Armed Forces or to the Act, and accusation which he/she either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true;

Falsely personates any other person at any parade or on any occasion when such other person is required by or under the Act to do any act or attend at any place, or abets any such act of personating.

Service Liability

  • A cadet enrolled has no liability to render active service in any of the Armed Forces of the Country.
  • A cadet shall obey and carry out the order and direction of any person who is placed in command over him/her.
  • Issue and return of Clothing and Equipment
  • A full set of clothing and equipment is issued to each cadet and the cadets are responsible for their upkeep and maintenance. They are required to return all such items of the issue at the end of the training.

The CQHM in the presence of CUO and JUO will issue the required uniforms to the cadets informing the official date of issue and retrieval of the uniforms. The aforementioned ranks will be responsible for retrieving the uniforms and surrendering the same to the Coy commander at the end of the training session.

The above ranks will officially issue the discharge certificate to the cadets after the cadet’s return the items mentioned above.

It is compulsory for the cadets to produce the copy of the discharge certificate attested by the Coy Commander to receive the TC, CC Bonafide Certificate etc., and other certificates from the College office.

The certificate issuing authority (Ranks mentioned above) will be liable for the nonreturn of the NCC items by the cadets.

The clearance will be produced in the format enclosed herewith signed by the issuing authority CQHM, CUO and JUO only then the cadet will apply for the discharge certificate.

The copy of Clearance Certificate and Discharge certificate duly attested by the Coy Commander will be produced to the Principal Office who will authorize the issue of the TC, CC, Bonafide Certificate etc.,

NCC History

The NCC in India was formed with the National Cadet Corps Act of 1948. It was raised on 15 July 1948 The National Cadet Corps can be considered as a successor of the University Officers Training Corps (UOTC) which was established by the British in 1942. During World War II, the UOTC never came up to the expectations set by the British. This led to the idea that some better schemes should be formed, which could train more young men in a better way, even during peace times. A committee headed by Pandit H.N. Kunzru recommended a cadet organization to be established in schools and colleges at a national level. The National Cadet Corps Act was accepted by the Governor General and on 15 July 1948, the National Cadet Corps came into existence.

During the 1965 and 1971 wars with Pakistan, NCC cadets were the second line of defense. They organized camps to assist the ordinance factories, supplying arms and ammunition to the front, and also were used as patrol parties to capture the enemy paratroopers. The NCC cadets also worked hand in hand with the Civil Defense authorities and actively took part in rescue work and traffic control. After the 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars the NCC syllabus was revised. Rather than just being the second line of defense, NCC syllabus laid a greater stress on developing qualities of leadership and Officer-like qualities. The military training which the NCC cadets received was reduced and greater importance was given to other areas like social service and youth management.

NCC Organization

The National Cadet Corps is headed by a Director General, an Army Officer of the rank of Lieutenant General, who is responsible for the functioning of the National Cadet Corps in the country through the National Cadet Corps Headquarters situated at Delhi. At the State Level, the country has been divided into 17 Directorates covering all States and Union Territories. Each of the State National Cadet Corps Directorate Headquarters controls two to fourteen Group Headquarters. While Directorates are commanded by Brigadiers or their equivalents, the Groups are commanded by Colonels or equivalents from the Air Force and the Navy, NCC Units are commanded by Major/Lieutenant Colonel or their equivalents.

NSS Club -



The National Service Scheme (NSS) in our college was started in the academic year 1998-1999. It aims at developing amongst students a sense of participation in nation building through social work. The deepens understanding of the social environment and enriches his/her personality through actual participation in the day-to-day life of the society. This process of learning is not only a desirable supplement to the classroom education but develops in the student a sense of responsibility, tolerance, and cooperation. The NSS plays a vital role in the development of the latent aspects of the student’s personality.


The aim of the NSS is Education through community service


The motto is NOT ME BUT YOU.

Overall objectives

The overall objective is education. Service to the community is the activity through which this objective is attained.

Specific objective

  • To arouse the social consciousness of the students by providing them opportunities to work with and among the people.
  • To develop an awareness and knowledge of social realities to have concern for the well-being of the community and engage in creative and constructive social action.
  • To provide with rich and meaningful educational experiences to them in order to make their education complete and meaningful.
  • To develop the skill needed in the exercise of democratic leadership and program development to help them get self-employment.
  • To give them the opportunities for their personality development.

Every NSS volunteer is expected to engage himself in NSS activities for 240 hours inclusive of a special camp for seven days duration during a period of two academic years. All NSS volunteers will be provided with a work diary to record their details of work done. All outgoing volunteers are issued an NSS certificate by the state cell. The NSS unit of this college presents an award to the best outgoing student volunteer every year.

Obligation of an NSS volunteer

Every NSS volunteer is expected to engage himself in NSS activities for 240 hours inclusive of a special camp for seven days duration during a period of two academic years. All NSS volunteers will be provided with a work diary to record their details of work done. All outgoing volunteers are issued an NSS certificate by the state cell. The NSS unit of this college presents an award to the best outgoing student volunteer every year.

Benefits of joining NSS

  • The NSS offers a wonderful opportunity to use a part of the spare time to empathize and help the poor and the underprivileged fellow countrymen living in slums and villages.
  • It provides the volunteers with an opportunity to train themselves as the future leaders and decision makers of the country.
  • It provides training to equip the volunteers with the minimum necessary skills to carry out programs.
  • It provides with opportunities to take part in inter-collegiate/inter-university/inter-state camps and exchange ideas with students from other colleges/universities/states.


The NSS indulges in a wide range of activities, which includes the regular activities and the special camping programs.

Regular Activities

  • Blood detection camps, blood donation …etc
  • Campus cleaning.
  • A celebration of important days.
  • Orientation camps.
  • Participation of students various seminars conducted all over the state.
  • Various cultural activities aiming at personality development of students.
  • Raising of funds for various altruistic activities.

Special Camping Programme

Special camps of seven days duration form an integral part of the NSS activities. The camps are conducted every year in villages or slums. By its altruistic activities, the NSS unit volunteers have reached out to the backward masses. The volunteers work in these regions for hygiene education, antiplastic campaign and to eradicate illiteracy. The camps are also aimed at the development of durable community assets like roads, canals, sanitation and other similar projects.

Programme Officer

Prof.R.Pradab Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical.

Social Club -

Term 1

The RRC was started in the academic year 2006-2007 under the guidance of the program officer Mr. Sam Chelladurai. The Student President for the team was MR. Prasanna Venkatesh of Third Mechanical. The inauguration of RRC was accompanied by a general awareness function for the first years (i.e. current third years). The classes were conducted by Mr. Vaideeshwaraan and Mr.Sekar Mukesh.

Term 2

For the academic year 2007-2008 the office of President was taken over by Mr. Richardson of third Mechanical and with the guidance of Mr. Sam Chelladurai, many useful; functions for the students were conducted. The first program that was held was a three-day program on Celebrating Life handled by the RRC Regional Manager Ms. Adhira Ashokan and Mr. Vaideeshwaraan. The next program was conducted for the third years (current final years) which were purely AIDS awareness program and this was handled by Ms. Adhira Ashokan. Next, the Student President was invited by the RRC to lead a PEER convention in Hosur constituting of 250 students from various colleges in Vizhupuram, Salem, Krishnagiri etc with this the activities of RRC was closed for the academic.

Term 3

In the third year, Mr. Vinamzi Paul took over the role of program officer (Staff in charge) of RRC with Richardson of fourth Mech as President there was breathtaking recruitment of about 91 new candidates which added to the current strength of 35. A competition for all students of the college including competitions such as Elocution, quiz, and Play etc was conducted. A meeting was conducted for the new recruits to spread awareness by Mr.Vinamzi Paul. The RRC has always seen into helping students with their day to day life and we have succeeded for the past three years and will continue to do so the same.

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What are the various facilities available on campus at CSICE , The Nilgiris ?

CSICE , The Nilgiris offers various facilities to its students including Boys Hostel, Canteen, Computer Lab, Fest, Girls Hostel and more.
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