DCC Latur is a Private college in Latur. DCC Latur offers Diploma, BBA, M.Com, Certificate, B.Com, BCA in Information Technology, Commerce and Banking, Management. B.Com is offered in Cost Management, Taxation, Others, Computer Application, Banking, Management, Management. M.Com is offered in International Business, Human Resources Management, Human Resources Management.
Overall: There are branch of college one of them is commerce. Commerce building is old one and it is 1st building in the campus and it has a unique one infrastructure and it is basically the historical place of latur
Faculty: I found the staff and peers to be very helpful and supportive in my academic growth. After obtaining my associates degree I went for my bachelors then masters from other colleges.
Mumbai (Maharashtra)
Kolhapur (Maharashtra)
Pune (Maharashtra)
Pune (Maharashtra)
S.D college of commerce