
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology Scholarships 2025 - Details, Eligibility, Amount

LocationSonepat (Haryana)
Updated on - Jan 30, 2025 10:42 AM IST

M.Vishvesvariya Scholarship

  • B.E./B.Tech/B.Arch. course
  • Upto Rs. 40,000/- per student per year or actual tuition fee whichever is less
  • Topper of each branch in each Institute
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Sir M.Vishvesvariya Scholarship

  • MBA course
  • Upto Rs. 25,000/- per student per year or actual tuition fee whichever is less
  • Topper of each  Institute
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 Arya Bhatta Research Scholarship

  • M.Tech.
  • Upto Rs. 40,000/- per student per annum or actual tuition  fee which ever is less Plus Rs. 5000/- per month for contingency and Boarding and Lodging
  • The candidate should have valid GATE Score.  If sufficient no. of such candidates are not available then others shall be considered who shall be evaluated by the committee on the criterion given below:-

Weightage of Academic merit (in Marks)

10th Class

12th  Class







10 marks for 60% and 1 mark for each 4% above 60%

10 marks for 60% and 1 mark for each 4% above 60%

10 marks for 60% and 1 mark for each 4% above 60%

10 marks for 60% and 1 mark for each 4% above 60%

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Merit Scholarship

To grant Merit Scholarship to the students :

Resolved that the grant of Merit Scholarship at the rate of Rs. 600/- per semester to 10% top students of each discipline on the basis of University examination Result be approved.

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GATE Scholarship        

In pursuance of the Policy Framework for promotion of Post Graduate Education and Research in Engineering & Technology, recently announced by Ministry of Human Resource Development, the All India  Council        for Technical     Education invites proposal from Government/Government Aided/Self financing Institution for financial Assistance for Post Graduate students enrolled in ME/M.Tech. programmes.

  • Scholarship @ Rs. 5,000/- per month per students (only for GATE qualified candidates)     
  • Contingency grant of Rs. 5,000/- per annum per programmes.
  • Library grant of Rs. 10,000/- per annum per programmes.

The institution may apply along with details of institutions and details of admission made with GATE score Card of each individual candidate for whom the financial assistance is claimed latest by  20th  January 2003 to the Member  Secretary , AICTE, New Delhi.
Member Secretary
AICTE,New Delhi.

Note:  Only those  students enrolled in ME./M.Tech. are eligible for grants, and who are otherwise not getting any scholar ship /contingency from any other sources.

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Kalpana Chawla Scholarship

Minutes of the meeting to frame a scheme about Kalpana Chawla Memorial scholarship held on Monday i.e. 22.9.2003 P.M. in the O/o Director, Technical Education, Haryana.
The meeting was exclusively called to frame a scheme about the Kalpana Chawla memorial scholarship as decided by the council of Ministers in its meeting held on 14.2.2003 that the Technical Education Department will award five scholalrships, known as Kalpana Chawla memorial scholarships at the Rs. 2000/-per month to be given for our years to those girl students who belong to Haryana State and secure to five position in the Entrance Test among the students admitted in the Engineering Colleges in the State.  The matter was discussed in detail and the following scheme has been framed about the Kalpana Chawla memorial scholarship.

  • Out of five sch. One scholarship will be given to the first girl topper  who will be admitted in the NIT, Kurukshetra by the test conducted nu CBSE, being NIT, Kurukshetra as one of premier technical institution in the State.  The other four scholalrships will be awarded to the first four girl topers of Common Engineering Entrance Test of the State andwho will be admitted to the various Engineering Institutions  in the State.
  • If out of these five girls topers, if any candidate opts for admission in the course of B.Arch. which is a five years duration course then the scholarship will be given four five years instead of for five year  as in the case of other  courses.
  • The scholar ship will be paid six monthly and that also after the declaration  of the result of the semester examination . If any girl candidate has not obtained  1st.division or more than 60% marks in aggregate (whichever is higher) and pass in 1stchance then the scholarship will be given to the next topper girl candidate of the same university fulfilling the above condition and the same process will be repeated at every stage.
  • In case of tie the number of scholarships will not exceed beyond five and procedure for deciding the merit of Girl candidate will be same as per the criteria adopted for admission in the prospectus.
  • For the purpose of this scholarship there will be no reservation on account of income /caste /age/ religion etc.  The scholarship will be awarded purely on merit of the Girl candidates.
  • The Girl candidate for the purpose of this scholarship should possess the Haryana Domicile and the eligibility for the same will be decided as per the norms prescribed for the admissions in the prospectus.
  • The scholarship will be over and the any other type of scholarship .
  • The scholarship will be subject to termination if any girl candidate found to be indulged in misbehaving /indiscipline
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