Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc
Overall: From incompetent administration to outdated facilities, this college sets a new standard for disappointment.Let's start with the faculty. Instead of passionate educators, you'll encounter disinterested professors who seem to have forgotten why they entered academia in the first place. Their lectures are uninspired, and office hours are practically non-existent. Expect to learn more from Wikipedia than from these supposed experts.The administration is equally appalling. Bureaucracy reigns supreme, with endless forms to fill out and policies seemingly designed to hinder rather than help students. Good luck trying to get a straight answer from anyone in the registrar's office or financial aid department.As for campus life, well, what campus life? The facilities are run-down and overcrowded, with outdated technology and limited resources. The dorms are reminiscent of prison cells, and the cafeteria food would make even the most desperate of students cringe.But perhaps the most egregious offense of all is the exorbitant tuition fees. Despite the abysmal quality of education and services provided, [College Name] has no qualms about draining students' bank accounts and leaving them saddled with crippling debt.In summary, attending Gitaram is a surefire way to waste your time, money, and potential. Save yourself the agony and look elsewhere for a fulfilling college experience.
Overall: College is the place where one can get higher education for achieving his or her career goal. College is indeed necessary for each and every one. Thus for a successful career, the student needs knowledge, confidence, academic and technical skills, career opportunities and social skills.
Placement: Placement refers to the process of connecting the selected person and the employer in order to establish an ongoing employment relationship. In this step the employee is given the activities he/she needs to perform and is told about his/her duties. Placement is usually followed by the orientation
Infrastructure: Infrastructure is the set of facilities and systems that serve a country, city, or other area,[1] and encompasses the services and facilities necessary for its economy, households and firms to function.
Faculty: the people who teacha period of work experience which is an integrated and assessed part of a student's degree in a university, college, or U.S. high school, or in one of its departments : She is joining the faculty of the University of Washington.
Hostel: Student hostels are types of residences that provide tenants with common spaces to meet up. Thus, the students will live in a single or shared room, and will be able to take advantage of these common spaces to meet other students and carry out their daily
Overall: College is the place where one can get higher education for achieving his or her career goals. College is indeed necessary for each and everyone. My college is best . Just awesome ❤
Placement: Placement refers to the process of connecting the selected person and the employer in order to establish an ongoing employment relationship. In this step the employee is given the activities he/she needs to perform and is told about his/her duties. Placement is usually followed by the orientation process.
Infrastructure: College is the place where one can get higher education for achieving his or her career goals. College is indeed necessary for each and everyone. My college is best.
Faculty: the people who teach in a university, college, or U.S. high school, or in one of its departments : She is joining the faculty of the University of Washington.the members of a profession. b. : the teaching and administrative staff and those members of the administration having academic rank in an educational institution.20 Jan 2024
Hostel: Student hostels are types of residences that provide tenants with common spaces to meet up. Thus, the students will live in a single or shared room, and will be able to take advantage of these common spaces to meet other students and carry out their daily activities.
Overall: all the parents and student of Muslim community , please don't take admission on this institution . On 4th July a Muslim student doesn't allowed for the examination . Only the reason is he kept his beard . please check out the link which is given below :
Dear student,
The Gitaram Institute of Management does offer BCA programme for its students. Bachelor of Computer Application is a three-year programme which is divided into six semesters. To be eligible for admission to the BCA course at the Gitaram Institute of Management, students need to pass Class 12 with English and Mathematics subjects from a recognised college or school. The fees for BCA at Gitaram Institute of Management is approximately between Rs 95,000 to Rs 3,50,000 for the complete course. The BCA application for 2023 is currently ongoing in online mode. The college has not mentioned a last date. For the latest updates on the last date for admission, keep an eye on our website.
If you have any queries, feel free to ask them here. Thank you.
IIM Bangalore