
Goenka College of Commerce & Business Administration Scholarships 2025 - Details, Eligibility, Amount

LocationKolkata (West Bengal)
Updated on - Mar 07, 2025 10:17 AM IST

Goenka College of Commerce & Business Administration Scholarship Latest Update

March 05, 2025

Internal Supplement CBCS - Office Circular 40 dated 05.03.2025 regarding internal supplementary examinations in CBCS.

January 29, 2025

Office Circular 16: ED Project Submission - This circular details the requirements and deadlines for submitting the ED project as part of the academic curriculum. Students are advised to refer to the attached guidelines for specific submission dates and formats.

January 29, 2025

Office Circular 19 - M.Com. Sem-I IA - Details regarding the Internal Assessment for the M.Com. Semester-I course have been outlined in this circular.

January 29, 2025

Office Circular 18 - NSOU Co-ordinator - This circular provides updates and directives from the NSOU Co-ordinator for various administrative and academic procedures.

January 27, 2025

B.Com. Sem-I Form Submission - Students enrolled in B.Com. Semester I are reminded to submit their examination forms by the specified deadline as mentioned in Office Circular 14. Late submissions may incur additional fees.

January 27, 2025

Library Defaulters - An office circular has been released outlining the policies and actions regarding library defaulters. Students who have overdue materials are advised to return them promptly to avoid penalties.

Scholarship for SC/ST Students

Scholarships For SC/ST Students:

The College strictly follows the reservation policy of the Government of West Bengal and Government of India to ensure the access for the students of SC and ST community. 22% and 6% seats are reserved for candidates of SC and ST community, respectively, at both the UG and PG level. There is also some relaxation in the cut-off marks for admission. The minimum marks a student belonging to this category should get to become eligible is 25% below the marks obtained by the last candidate of the unreserved category. After admission, scholarships are provided to SC/ST students by the state Government.

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Scholarship for OBC Students

Scholarships For OBC Students:

Reservation policy for the candidates of OBC category for admission to Higher Education Institutes has been introduced by Government of West Bengal from the academic session 2014-15. As per Government policy 10% and 7% seats have to be kept reserved for OBC-A and OBC-B category, respectively without reducing the seats of General category students. The overall reservation of 10% and 7% for OB -A students and OBC-B. For implementing this reservation policy of the Government of West Bengal the number of total seats in undergraduate course was enhanced by 21 in 2014-15 and 22 in 2015-16 respectively. The remaining reserved seats will be filled up in phases in next four years as per Government directives.

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Svholarship for Women

Scholarships For Women:

There is no reserved seats for women separately. But, Kanyashree Scholarships offered by the State Government for the deserving girl students have already been introduced in the College. Out of 58 applicants 17 students received the scholarship. Five students were invited to receive the Kanyashree Scholarship on a special occasion organized by the State Government on 24th January, 2014.

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Scholarshi[p for Differently Abled Students

Scholarships For Diiferently Abled Students:

For differently-abled students 3% seats are kept reserved at both the UG and PG level. There is provision for separate scholarships for differently-abled students from the Government.

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Scholarship from Kanyasree Prakalpa by Govt. of West Bengal

Number of needy girl students of the College who received scholarship from the Kanyasree Prakalpa initiated by the Government of West Bengal:

Session Number of Students
2013-14 12
2014-15 5
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Post Matric Scholarship

Year B.Com M.Com
2009 71
2010 56
2011 90
2012 72 2
2013 92
2014 110 3
2015 117 4
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Scholarship for Economically Weaker Section

Scholarships For Economically Weaker Section:

There is no provision for reservation of seats for students from economically weaker section. However, once a student from this section gets admitted, the College authority extends every kind of support to such student to encourage him to complete the course. To reflect the national commitment towards inclusive education of the economically weaker section of the society, various stipends and scholarships offered by the state and central governments are arranged for them by the College authority.

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Merit Cum Means Scholarship by Govt. of West Bengal

Number of students who availed the Merit cum Means scholarship of the Government of West Bengal:

Year B.Com  M.Com MBA
2009 5
2010 9
2011 19 3 1
2012 45
2013 23
2014 14
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Scholarship for Minority Community

Scholarships For Minority Community:

The provision for reservation of seats for students from Minority Community is included in the OBC-B category. There are several Govt. and other scholarships for Minority community students once they get admission to this College. 

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Scholarship for any other

Scholarships For any other:

Sheela Kanoria Foundation have been giving scholarship to the needy girl students of the institution for the last few years.

Scholarships received by the girl students who received scholarship from the Sheela Kanoria Foundation:

Session Number of Students
2009-10 13
2010-11 11
2011-12 12
2012-13 11
2013-14 6
2014-15 33
2015-16 27

Apart from this, the Ex-students’ Association of the College has initiated scholarship for the needy students. Prof. N.R. Bardhan, an ex-teacher of the College had donated Rs.7 Lakh and Rs.3 Lakh in 2013-14 and 2014-15 for creating an endowment fund from which the needy and meritorious students are given one-time scholarship. 

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CSS Scholarships

Scholarships received by the students under CSS –Government of India , Ministry of HRD, Department of Higher Education, Central Sector Scheme:

Year Number of Students(B.Com)
2013 42
2014 43
2015 12
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Related Questions


harshit, Student / Alumni

-Answered on Oct-23-2023
Hi there, the admission for next semester has begun. You can kickstart the admission for next semester by registering on the LPU website and booking the LPUNEST slot. LPU does offer M Com program. Good Luck

Diksha Nautiyal, Content Team

-Answered on July-08-2020

Dear student, 

The application process for B.Com course at Goenka Institute of Commerce & Business Administration, Kolkata is done in an online mode. The application process has not commenced yet. Whenever it begins, a link to the online application will be made available on the official website. We advise you to keep checking with the official website. You can also contact the college to get more information about the same. 

For admissions related help, please fill out our Common Application Form. Our experts will be guiding you throughout the admission process. You can also try our toll-free student helpline number - 1800-572-9877 to avail instant counselling. 

Good Luck!

How do i apply for admission
-Sk -Updated on July-08-20201 Answers

Diksha Nautiyal, Content Team

-Answered on July-08-2020

Dear student, 

The application process for Goenka Institute of Commerce & Business Administration, Kolkata is completely online to ensure transparency. Whenever the admissions begin, the college will provide an online application link on its official website. We advise you to keep checking with the official website. You can also contact the college to get more information about the same. 

For admissions related help, please fill out our Common Application Form. Our experts will be guiding you throughout the admission process. You can also try our toll-free student helpline number - 1800-572-9877 to avail instant counselling. 

Good Luck!

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