Gov. Pataleshwar College offers self-financed M.Sc programmes. Gov. Pataleshwar College admissions for MSc for the academic year 2023-24 are happening now at Government Pataleshwar College, Masturi, Bilaspur. You may go to the official website and find the offline form for online registration admission under the student corner section. To be eligible for admission, you must have passed the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree examination from a recognised university with at least 50% marks.
Dear Manish Kumar, Gov. Pataleshwar College Bilaspur has not yet released the pdf for the 2nd selection list for B.Sc B. Once the merit list has been released you can click on the 'Admissions' tab and then on the 'Bsc' link. The pdf for the 2nd selection list will be available on the page.