Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc
Overall: If we talk about the collage campus then we can say that it is a very great campus. But the environmetn inside the collage was not very good as I went to collage as a fresher.
Placement: Placement assistance is virtually non-existent and also the collage do not have a very high reputation when it comes to the placements, most students don't even get placed in any of the company.
Infrastructure: Firstly the infrastructure is outdated and also in some region of the building, there seems to be wall and celling damage. The classes doesn't have modern equipments.
Faculty: The faculty members are unavailable and unapproachable which makes very difficult for student to get a convo regarding important topics and all. Most of the students often leave the classes in between lecturs.
Hostel: The hostel faculty are not helpful in any of the work whether it is regarding the collage work or any personal thing. A constant unbearable smell is coming from the washrooms everyday.
Gandhi Mahavidyalaya (GM), Sundergarh