The Hosmat Educational Institutre has Specialized Orthopaedic Treatment,Medical and surgical treatment of arthritis,Exclusive Joint Replacement Center for Joint replacement of Knee, Hip, Shoulder and Elbow.,Neurosurgical work covering brain and spinal surgeries and tumours.,Spinal surgeries (disc problems, spondylitis, pinched nerves, spine fractures, deformities, scholiosis and tumours),Reconstructive Surgeries (Micro Vascular and Finger Replantation),Specialized Ilizarov surgery (limb lengthening procedure),Fibreoptic arthroscopy of various joints,Treatment of fractures, non-union and malunion of fractures,Ligament injuries,Sports Medicine,Polio and Spastic,Industrial injuries,Maxillo-Facial Surgery and Orthognathic (Cosmetic Facial),Plastic Surgery,Vascular Surgery,Comprehensive Pain Relief Clinic (Ortho, Neuro, General and Cancer pain),Surgical Oncology(Cancer Surgery),ENT,General Medicine,General Surgery ,Cardiology, Diabetology/Endocrinology
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)