All Student of B.Tech./MBA who Secures 75% and above marks (in all University Theory Papers) in I-Semester main University Examination and have no Back Papers will be awarded Free Laptop.
JIET Universe have the privilege of being Pioneer Private Engineering College in the region to adopt Tuition Fee Wavier Scheme of AICTE Under this scheme 100% tuition fee of Meritorious Students of each branch from economically backword, physically handicapped or women category has been waived off. The first Private Engineering College in the region to adopt Tuition Fee Wavier Scheme of AICTE. Under this scheme 100% tuition fee of meritorious students of each branch from economically backward, physically handicapped or women category has been waived off. Till the session 2011-12 JIET Universe have granted scholarships of about 2 crore.
JIET awards a number of scholarships to students who have an exceptional academic as will as overall performance Separate cash awards are also presented to boost the morale of meritorious students/achievers in various activities like cultural Technical, Sports etc. To explore lates IT resources we provide Laptop of latet Configuration to JIETians at a very subsidized price.
Amount of Scholarship:-
More than Tuition Fee (Deposited Tuition Fee + SJED norm)
The maximum amount of scholarship which may be granted is equal to the amount of which receipt provided with the form
Amount of Scholarship:-
25000/- Per Annum
Amount of Scholarship:-
As per SRJF Norms but minimum 400/- per month
Amount of Scholarship:-
36000/- Per Annum
Amount of Scholarship:-
As per LIC Norms but minimum 20000/- per annum
Amount of Scholarship:-
10000/- per annum
Amount of Scholarship:-
As per CBSE Norms
Amount of Scholarship:-
500/- Per Month
Amount of Scholarship:-
700/- per month
B.Tech. Students
M.B.A. Students
Neemrana (Rajasthan)
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Chittorgarh (Rajasthan)
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Amity University Mumbai
IIT Roorkee