Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc
Overall: KG college pampady,is one of the best college in Kottayam district.Kg college has a good infrastructure and Talented Teachers.There is hostel service for girls, Providing Gym facilities,Cafe,Canteen and Also NSS,NCC troops of improving the students mentality. Experienced Teachers and their experience will help us to improve our studying skills and extraordinary activities
Placement: There are several campus interviews and placement were conducting in kg college.And also Federal Bank Interview for Acquiring Freshers as Their staff..with an annual package of 4,5 Lakhs
Infrastructure: KG college pampady (Kuriakose gregorious College) Is the one the best college in Kottayam District..KG college Has Good atmosphere.There are so many plants and trees inside the campus.It will gave Good atmosphere to students. Experienced and Talented Teachers athe highlights of college.There is hostel facility for girls.And Good Cafe and canteen are improving The atmosphere of college
Faculty: The Teachers are very helpful and Very talented.They help the students for achieving their dreams.And the will give their 100% for to improve the skill of students
Hostel: There is no hostel facility for Boys,But there is hostel Facility for girls. I heard that the have Hygienic Rooms and Good food with A Average kind of fees
IFIM Bangalore
IIM Bangalore