
Kamal Institute of Higher Education and Advance Technology Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationNew Delhi (Delhi)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 05:57 PM IST

Kamal Institute of Higher Education and Advance Technology Overall Rating

(Based on 4 reviews)
Infrastructure 3.5/5
Placement 3.7/5
Hostel 3.0/5
Faculty 4.3/5
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What students says about Kamal Institute of Higher Education and Advance Technology

  • Eligible for placement
  • Good faculty
  • Encourages entrepreneurship and startup
  • Good placement opportunities
  • Affiliated to GGSIPU
  • Provides AC rooms and smart boards
  • No entrance exam
  • Infrastructure needs improvement
  • Fee structure is high

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Kamal Institute of Higher Education and Advance Technology Reviews

Excellent teacher and staff
By Saket kumar mehto | BBA | 2024
February 17, 2024 09:23:31

Overall: All teacher and staff of college is excellent and cope with the student and help the students for their future and very helpful in our future career a

Infrastructure: Very good infrastructure and building with separate toilet for boys and girls and also has a car parking for the cars and a guard for the time of parking.

Faculty: All the teachers and staff faculty is good in behavior and cop with the student and help the students of there better courier and for future advance.




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The faculty is good with big classrooms canteen
By Aditi | B.Ed | 2023
February 16, 2024 08:00:53

Overall: The Faculty is good,Provided us with great help overall, the classrooms are big and air conditioned canteen there are many opportunities to participate and students are awarded for the same

Placement: The college provided us with great placement opportunities provides information regarding any new vacancy also helps students with any query regarding the same

Infrastructure: The College Infrastructure is good with big classrooms and activity room It also has air conditioned rooms There is no play ground for the students to sit

Faculty: The faculty is good very understanding provides information regarding any query we have gives insights into the life of a teacher through internships where students are grouped and a teacher is provided on every 10 students and they see the life of a teacher and given duties

Hostel: There is no hostel so students have to live in as pg Or must have to travel there were students who had to travel from far places also sometimes those area didnt have metro facility








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College environment is good
By Dishant Jagota | B.Com (Hons.) | 2024
February 15, 2024 01:02:18

Overall: The college is affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh University delhi that having good environment , good teachers or staff. The teachers are well knowledgeable and very kind to the students.

Placement: The placement of my college is average according to other colleges. Basically the placement are provided in 3 year, there are some companies visit for placement cell such as like icic bank, wipro, amazon ,etc.

Infrastructure: The college infrastructure is average because there is only 3 floors in the College. Otherwise the building of the college is strong and looks decent.

Faculty: The faculty of the college is experienced and very knowledgeable. The faculties are so supportive and caring. They help each and every students which is very good.

Hostel: There is no hostel facility in this college which i think they should make for better management of the students.Hostel is very important for the students who are coming from long way of transports.








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College is good teacher are so good
By Tushar Vashisht | BCA | 2024
February 14, 2024 08:02:27

Overall: Infrastructure and teachers are excellent and I think that this College is so good and I am so happy to be part of this college. They support us in every situation and do many activities and study also

Placement: It’s my last year and companies are coming for hiring. Please mention of Kamal Institute of education support students to give their best in placement and the placement cell is so good.

Infrastructure: College infrastructure from outside is okay but from inside it’s so good, clean desks and clean rooms ,clean drinking water and hygiene canteen it’s not big but it’s good for me i like the college

Faculty: Faculties are so good. They support us in every situation they give us notes and tell important questions in every paper and suggest good book for study

Hostel: I don’t know much about hostel rooms because I live in my house or I don’t know that College have hostel rooms or not but I think if College has a hostel rooms, it would be clean








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Related Questions

Saniya Pahwa •  Jul-05-2023

Dear student, 

Yes, Kamal Institute of Higher Education and Advance Technology has adequate facilities for various sports. The institute has sports grounds for sports including volleyball, basketball, badminton, wrestling, judo, etc. Apart from this, there is also a chess and table tennis room. Proper coaching is provided for each of the above mentioned sports and the Kamal Institute of Higher Education and Advance Technology facilities for sports are top-notch. The college also has its own volleyball team along with a cricket team, basketball team, and, kabaddi team. 

We hope this answered your question well! Please feel free to contact in case of further queries!

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