
K.S.G.College of Arts and Science Scholarships 2025 - Details, Eligibility, Amount

LocationCoimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 11:19 PM IST

Backward Class Welfare Scholarships

Students belonging to Backward / Most Backward classes can apply for the award of the scholarships, if the annual income of their parents does not exceed Rs. 50,000/-

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Harijan Welfare Scholarships under State Scheme

The students who belong to AdiDravida converts are eligible to apply for the Harijan Welfare State Scholarship, provided their parental income does not exceed Rs. 50,000/- per annum.

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Harijian Welfare Loan Scholarship

The Scheduled Caste students who are studying in recognised hostels can apply for the award of Harijan Welfare Loan Scholarship.

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State Scholarships for the Children of School Teachers

This scholarship is awarded to all the children of school Teacher in service. The students who have secured 60% and above and whose parent’s income does not exceed Rs.l000/month are eligible.

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State Collegiate Scholarships

These scholarships are awarded to students of Graduate and Post-Graduate courses whose parent’s income does not exceed Rs. 12,000/ per annum.

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National Loan Scholarship

The student who have secured 50% and above in aggregate in Higher Secondary examinations or equivalent can apply for the award of National Loan Scholarship. First preference will be given to those who have secured 60% and above.

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Scholarship to the children of Defence Service Persons

The students who are sons of the Defence Service Personnel can apply for this Scholarship.

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Scholarship to the children of Ex-Servicemen

Children of Ex-Servicemen studying in the college can contact the DSSA Board Office concerned for the obtaining application forms and details.

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CBSE Scholarship

Available for students who have passed their plus two examinations under CBSE pattern.

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Charity Scholarships

There are so many philanthropists in Tamilnadu (for example at Coimbatore : Santhi Social Services, Bungalow Thottam, Palladam Road, Sidhanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore - 641 658 ; at Dharmapuri ; Hemalatha Memorial Trust, No. 39, HarinathaSwamyKoil Street, Dharmapuri - 636 702•- this trust offer Scholarship to Computer Science students and to students studying in Professional courses) offering scholarships to deserving poor students.

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Government of Tamilnadu Post-Matric Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria : BC-MBC students/scholars .Candidates should have secured minimum 75% of attendance in the previous year of study. Annual income of parents should be below Rs.1,00,000/- Application can be had from the District Backward Applications Classes and Minority Welfare Office, Coimbatore-18

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Government of Tamilnadu Higher Educational Special Loan Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria : SC-ST, Converted Christian Adi-Dravidar students. Candidates should have secured minimum 75% of attendance in the previous year of study. Annual income of parents should be below Rs.1,00,000/- for SC and for ST candidates with an annual income below Rs.1,08,000/-Application can be had froms the District Adi-Applications Dravidar& Tribal Welfare Office, Coimbatore-18.

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Farmer's Children Welfare Scholarship

For those students, whose parents have the Farmer's Social Welfare Security Scheme card issued by Tamilnadu Government. Apply through Joint Director of Collegiate Education.

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Scholarship to Children of Freedom Fighters

To students who are children of freedom fighters. Apply through Director of Collegiate Education.

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Scholarship extended by Companies

Teaboard, builders association etc are offering scholarships to the children of their employees.

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The following scholarships are available to students.

  • Backward Class Welfare Scholarships

  • Students belonging to Backward / Most Backward classes can apply for the award of the scholarships, if the annual income of their parents does not exceed Rs. 50,000/- Harijan Welfare Scholarships under State Scheme

  • The students who belong to Adi Dravida converts are eligible to apply for the Harijan Welfare State Scholarship, provided their parental income does not exceed Rs. 50,000/- per annum. Harijian Welfare Loan Scholarship

  • The Scheduled Caste students who are studying in recognised hostels can apply for the award of Harijan Welfare Loan Scholarship. State Scholarships for the Children of School Teachers

  • This scholarship is awarded to all the children of school Teacher in service. The students who have secured 60% and above and whose parents income does not exceed Rs.l000/month are eligible. State Collegiate Scholarships

  • These scholarships are awarded to students of Graduate and Post-Graduate courses whose parents income does not exceed Rs. 12,000/ per annum. National Loan Scholarship

  • The student who have secured 50% and above in aggregate in Higher Secondary examinations or equivalent can apply for the award of National Loan Scholarship. First preference will be given to those who have secured 60% and above.

  • Scholarship to the children of Defence Service Persons

  • The students who are sons of the Defence Service Personnel can apply for this Scholarship.

  • Scholarship to the children of Ex-Servicemen

  • Children of Ex-Servicemen studying in the college can contact the DSSA Board Office concerned for the obtaining application forms and details. CBSE Scholarship

  • Available for students who have passed their plus two examinations under CBSE pattern. For more details log on to Charity Scholarships

There are so many philanthropists in Tamilnadu (for example at Coimbatore : Santhi Social Services, Bungalow Thottam, Palladam Road, Sidhanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore - 641 658 ; at Dharmapuri ; Hemalatha Memorial Trust, No. 39, Harinatha Swamy Koil Street, Dharmapuri - 636 702- this trust offer Scholarship to Computer Science students and to students studying in Professional courses) offering scholarships to deserving poor students. Government of Tamilnadu Post-Matric Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria : BC-MBC students/scholars .Candidates should have secured minimum 75% of attendance in the previous year of study. Annual income of parents should be below Rs.1,00,000/- Application can be had from the District Backward Applications Classes and Minority Welfare Office, Coimbatore-18 Government of Tamilnadu Higher Educational Special Loan Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria: SC-ST Converted Christian students. Candidates should be staying in the College hostel. Annual income of the parents should be below Rs.50,000/-. Application shall be obtained from the District Adi- Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Officer, Coimbatore-18. Government of India Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria:SC-ST, Converted Christian Adi-Dravidar students. Candidates should have secured minimum 75% of attendance in the previous year of study. Annual income of parents should be below Rs.1,00,000/- for SC and for ST candidates with an annual income below Rs.1,08,000/- Application can be had froms the District Adi-Applications Dravidar & Tribal Welfare Office, Coimbatore-18. Farmer's Children Welfare Scholarship

For those students, whose parents have the Farmer's Social Welfare Security Scheme card issued by Tamilnadu Government. Apply through Joint Director of Collegiate Education. Scholarship to Children of Freedom Fighters To students who are children of freedom fighters. Apply through Director of Collegiate Education.

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K.S.G.College of Arts and Science Scholarship Statistics 2025

Gender Male Female
Total 80 215
OBC 0 0
SC 0 0
ST 0 0
Muslim 13 5
PWD 0 0
Minority Community 5 6
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Admission Updates for 2025

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