The institute owns a well stocked library having about 5000 books that makes available to the students and faculty the latest information in the field of Teacher Education in all its forms: Books, Encyclopedia, Journals & Magazines for their intellectual nourishment.
Medical Facilities are available to the students through a qualified doctor in our Sister Institute, i. e, RKGIT.
Keeping in view the importance of sports in to-day's scientific era and to bring about the all round personality development, the college lays considerable emphasis on student's participation in various games & sports and other extra curricular activities, which is also an important part of their sessional work. Various Indoor and Outdoor games are conducted throughout the academic session. There are spacious grounds and common rooms (boys & girls) maintained for this purpose by the institute.
The institute also maintains various well-equipped laboratories like Psychology laboratory, Technology laboratory, Science laboratory and Home science laboratory.
Psychology laboratory:-
The Psychology laboratory is well equipped with various tests and equipments, which enables the students to learn the skills of psychological testing and perform various experiments.
Educational Technology laboratory:-
The Educational Technology laboratory is designed to enable the students to gain proficiency in handling the various audio-visual aids in classroom teaching. The facility consists of playing audio cassettes, video cassettes, OHP, CD's and computers.
Science laboratory: -
No course in science can be considered as complete without including some practical work in it. Hence, the institute maintains a well-equipped science laboratory for both Physical science & Biological science where students are taught the various school stage practical work.
Home Science laboratory:-
The study of home science is the study of home & family. Practical work forms a prominent feature in any home science course. The home science laboratory is a spacious room where in a group of students are able to carryout their practicals. It is just like a home in the community. It is equipped with various equipments for preparing and serving meals. It also has proper storage facility of the various items like foods, Crockery, cutlery & other serving dishes.
Apart from that the Mahaviddyalaya also organizes scout & guide camp and an educational tour. A ten days scout & guide camp is organized at the end of the session, which includes tent pitching, hiking, yoga and various self-defence skills etc. which is very exciting & adventurous and it has been included in the sessional work.
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Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)