Overall: this is very good university its have good faculty and other staff teachers are highly motivated and well qualified and trained , the quality of palcements in this university is good.
Overall: Nabira Mahavidyalaya is located in Katol , Nagpur. It is one of the regular colleges of RTM Nagpur University. This clg provides many facilities to students, official staff , teaching staff and non teaching staff as well.
Placement: In our clg there is one of the best faculty that is mba . Yes through our clg students get placement through mba course aur bba course. Our clg not only teach us theory but also help to settle our carrier.
Infrastructure: Nabira Mahavidyalaya providea many facilities to students, official staff, teaching staff and non teaching staff as well. Library , Sports, Canteen, and most important regular classes.
Faculty: Our clg have more than 3 faculties. Science, commerce, arts , b.com ,b.sc, bba ,mba ,mcom ,ma ,msc , dfarm, and many more . These facilities give us daily to daily lectures.
Hostel: Yes our clg also provides hostel for girls who had taken admission and they can't afford to spend money for day to day classes So they provide hostels and hostels facilities for girls
Overall: Best college for every student it has best facilities and infrastructure it has great teaching staff and great sub teaching staff and it has great library and every facility for student to grow
Placement: This college has best reputation around the Maharashtra so it has good placement and good opportunity for student of middle class family and it also provide student additional project regarding there curriculum
Infrastructure: It has two story building which has good infrastructure and it has every facility in classroom and laboratory it has great outside scenery and good environment and
Faculty: It has more than 10 faculty in bachlor of science it has plan bsc microbiology computer science cbz and etc it also have some regular basic courses which help to the student to grow
Hostel: College hostel is in the 1km of radius it has good facility in hostel there food is also good . The student have liberty to stay for 1or 2 non hostel in there need