Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc
Bhagwan Shri Chakradhar Swami College of Physical Education
BPCA Mumbai
Maharashtra Mandal's Chandrashekar Agashe College of Physical Education (MMCACPE), Pune
Nagaji Maharaj Sharirik Shikshan Mahavidyalaya
CPE Pune
S.E.S'S College of Physical & College of Education
K. D. Pawar College of Physical Education
JCPE Nagpur
Dr.Sivanthi Aditanar College of Physical Education
Indira Priyadarshani Group Of Colleges
SS Patel College of Physical Education
Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences
YMCA College Of Physical Education (YMCACPE), Bangalore
Krishna Academy
Hanuman Vyayam Shala Krida Mandal Physical Education College