Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 260378 | 367803 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 269228 | 335739 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 726511 | 743069 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 293180 | 352393 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 172763 | 247827 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 354009 | 494921 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 653426 | 653426 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 474298 | 510633 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 339903 | 424587 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 426896 | 508335 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 278375 | 940884 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 328196 | 394072 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 276481 | 344098 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 466467 | 473225 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 619794 | 760673 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 435773 | 490189 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 360227 | 366927 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 141794 | 179800 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 769107 | 769107 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 488661 | 589409 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 341447 | 365812 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 159700 | 287141 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 292683 | 344140 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 358724 | 416455 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 368028 | 440004 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 320622 | 359598 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 276712 | 320531 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 366805 | 415194 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 395455 | 479989 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 423979 | 459092 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 263325 | 295904 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 206180 | 256960 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 291794 | 324376 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 567826 | 567826 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 352211 | 389116 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 82723 | 144759 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 537107 | 537107 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 829233 | 829233 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 593485 | 657716 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(PH) | Both Male and Female Seats | 1023495 | 1023495 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 354014 | 407268 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 832802 | 832802 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 124207 | 145023 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 291971 | 357820 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 187598 | 286606 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 639517 | 639517 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 294732 | 327950 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 357747 | 435232 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 294051 | 339729 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 243506 | 263023 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 127863 | 142403 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 375135 | 396085 |
Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) (FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 106299 | 156443 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 863692 | 863692 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 79322 | 187341 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 382661 | 662896 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 93337 | 363010 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 499854 | 566628 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 321216 | 375351 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 787937 | 787937 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 426933 | 527564 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 332807 | 361925 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 189636 | 272923 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 696716 | 696716 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 390511 | 476449 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 526818 | 726282 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 374987 | 427227 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 719040 | 1048753 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 551572 | 551572 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 242624 | 293751 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 192270 | 242456 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 477395 | 477395 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 295381 | 328181 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 407353 | 464887 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 294279 | 313493 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 258119 | 336248 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 137860 | 291180 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 107366 | 127034 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 187926 | 240963 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 371189 | 419230 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 127425 | 162155 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 447699 | 549888 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC(Girl) | Female Seats | 568289 | 754343 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 358006 | 358006 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 177028 | 189660 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 246878 | 289874 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 438079 | 562283 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 94655 | 218667 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 639517 | 719040 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 364927 | 370542 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 282771 | 336138 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 319223 | 365972 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 284462 | 321301 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 397658 | 478579 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 257655 | 291971 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 227427 | 281131 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 634725 | 731963 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 112283 | 135175 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 270593 | 305717 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 473691 | 553576 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 417951 | 549427 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 567826 | 567826 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 413000 | 466467 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 345336 | 407472 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 332807 | 409229 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 155127 | 156443 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 253708 | 317405 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 467750 | 467985 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 391123 | 504262 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 476449 | 496671 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 390131 | 443275 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 696716 | 696716 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 354014 | 407353 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 320542 | 389116 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 145124 | 169000 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 375832 | 457581 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 785288 | 932596 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 646418 | 842575 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 864889 | 864889 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 636745 | 657775 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 511248 | 706856 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 463840 | 617193 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 186193 | 206471 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 506371 | 578854 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 706513 | 1000970 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 228822 | 294279 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 402190 | 460330 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 350014 | 416177 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 407268 | 479228 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 349438 | 384889 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 330440 | 356816 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 296296 | 349415 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 136564 | 152325 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 264746 | 357165 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 619616 | 652249 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 470548 | 608491 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 464032 | 526513 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 364173 | 497138 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 366805 | 451194 |
Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) (FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 175289 | 183126 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 236082 | 352505 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 560376 | 642666 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 454488 | 574204 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 531347 | 596569 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 444968 | 481493 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 368635 | 480212 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 360495 | 441116 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 156251 | 182360 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 353250 | 430107 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 688046 | 784122 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 578803 | 737706 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 642860 | 642860 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 590858 | 634386 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 588887 | 627663 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 440362 | 577477 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 172985 | 190579 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 164733 | 317227 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 149235 | 225214 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 696716 | 696716 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 371189 | 416202 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 341274 | 408001 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 350841 | 393500 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(AF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 517436 | 662896 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 298254 | 316873 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 252461 | 340104 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | SC | Both Male and Female Seats | 371638 | 371638 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 253708 | 357844 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 549888 | 619794 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 577759 | 773554 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 578346 | 691953 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 453712 | 499667 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 416731 | 577477 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 148572 | 148572 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 274240 | 333666 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 485678 | 703492 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 547850 | 682611 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 555098 | 555098 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 551481 | 596923 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 370985 | 467985 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 411109 | 544576 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 158028 | 170841 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 391281 | 530859 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 932596 | 932596 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 648349 | 842575 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 177028 | 177028 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 586030 | 656901 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 249171 | 303215 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 462350 | 467750 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 450120 | 517213 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 496671 | 496671 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 454382 | 473925 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 348032 | 395550 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 354596 | 445452 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 141794 | 141794 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 229918 | 388248 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 619616 | 675663 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 464032 | 1028609 |
Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) (FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 140058 | 158131 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 356230 | 388567 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 747845 | 812139 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 785785 | 937517 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 642860 | 692187 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 787340 | 1055338 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 531347 | 610258 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 447318 | 775511 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 172985 | 172985 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 418767 | 529600 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 655554 | 781451 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 578803 | 893019 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 180992 | 195538 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 352514 | 403887 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 227427 | 228214 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 408338 | 441879 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 401626 | 411109 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 341274 | 351031 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 371568 | 380089 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 620080 | 620080 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 800357 | 842575 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 696480 | 864889 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 511248 | 511248 |
Computer Science (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 577759 | 684352 |
Computer Science (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 181787 | 181787 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 339035 | 339224 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 683818 | 784122 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 567692 | 567692 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 612328 | 675663 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 476449 | 478251 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 545194 | 608491 |
Computer Science and Business System (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 569593 | 682800 |
Computer Science (Hindi) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 684219 | 832802 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 304566 | 311488 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 473691 | 496893 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 521116 | 558311 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 497095 | 532755 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 396595 | 405908 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 448924 | 476709 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 388567 | 388567 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 788446 | 788446 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 392568 | 400531 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 628819 | 706856 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 785785 | 1055338 |
Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 530859 | 561520 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 520934 | 747754 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 314582 | 518783 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 1083227 | 1083227 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 588887 | 814308 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 115669 | 214974 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 817270 | 1000985 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 779488 | 891405 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 496573 | 715274 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 779488 | 928285 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 216315 | 261434 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 781728 | 1029187 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 308061 | 311664 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 430491 | 430491 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 351937 | 409587 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 355612 | 404692 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 208064 | 295271 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 540178 | 619616 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 295349 | 351849 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 319005 | 416202 |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 136164 | 150639 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 419893 | 428207 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 274240 | 338117 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 489794 | 747845 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC | Both Male and Female Seats | 406341 | 517418 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 544329 | 596923 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(OPEN) | Both Male and Female Seats | 408142 | 450573 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 343960 | 453596 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 343740 | 404857 |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 141040 | 167516 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 300737 | 402827 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | BC(Girl) | Female Seats | 857134 | 857134 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | EWS(GL) | Female Seats | 634336 | 638347 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 470261 | 510537 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 409450 | 1011638 |
Information Technology (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 135026 | 181745 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 405757 | 425861 |
Information Technology (Shift I) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(GIRL) | Female Seats | 511379 | 511379 |
Program | Stream | Quota | Category | Seat Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I) | B.Tech | All India | OPEN | Both Male and Female Seats | 649015 | 649015 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 353756 | 437979 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 487656 | 671820 |
Mechanical Engineering (Shift I)(FW) | B.Tech | Home State | OPEN(TF) | Both Male and Female Seats | 810763 | 810763 |
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)