The psychology lab is equipped with a large number of apparatus and tests on various aspects of psychology such as a child’s socio-economic, intellectual, personality and behavior dimensions. Knowledge of these psychological aspects is imperative to understand the needs of a child-centered curriculum and modalities of its transaction.The trainees learn various components of child psychology through various psychological tests which help to understand their students better.Intelligence Test : Non Verbal Intelligence Test, Performance Test, Group Test, M.E.I., Koh’s Block Design.Aptitude : Teaching Aptitude Test Battery.Attitude : Rao’s School Attitude Inventory, Attitude Towards Educational Administrations, Teaching Profession.Personality : Non Verbal Test, E.M.P. Inventory, Multi Dimensional Personality Inventory, Personality Need Inventory.Creativity : Verbal Test of Creative Thinking, Mirror Drawing Box, Non Verbal Test of Creative Thinking, Passi Test of Creativity.A well-stocked semi-automated library has been established in the college having a splendid collection of books to help the students and faculty to gain access to the latest information in the field of educational development. A book bank facility is made available to help students to obtain the latest books free of cost by depositing a nominal security, refundable on completion of their studies.n all there is a collection of approx 7000 books and a well-stocked reference section, journals and periodicals. Besides this there is regular subscription of National and International journals and leading newspapers and magazines.Rao Mohar Singh College provides the bus facility for the trainees. This bus route and the charges varies according to the need and demand of the trainees.
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Bahadurgarh (Haryana)