Fully equipped as per requirements of B. Ed. program Ten Pentium III computers with Legal Software`s - Windows 2000, DOS, Visual Basic, Oracle -9 Overhead Projectors, Television, Video Cassette Player, Audio Cassette Player, CD Player, Camera, LCD.Fully furnished with psychological tests and materials as per requirements of B. Ed. program.Fully equipped as per requirements of B. Ed. program.Facilities for craftwork, models and chart making.Fully furnished with musical instruments as required in B. Ed. program.More than 6225 titles including text and reference books related to all courses of study, educational encyclopedias, electronic publications (CD Rom) Subscription to five professional research journals Internet connectivity for the use of faculty and student - teacher. Annual up gradation of library with at least 200 quality books. Photocopying facility.Fully furnished Gym with all time availability of instructor for students and teachers.Fully hygienic canteen with all time availability of nutritious food stuffs for students and teachers.Provision for conveyance for both teachers and student.Hostel Available for both : Boys and Girls
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Guru Nanak College of Education (GNCE), Delhi
Sammilani Teachers' Training college