Notice – സ്കോളർഷിപ്പ് പദ്ധതി 2024-25 - കേരള സംസ്ഥാന ഉന്നത വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ കൗൺസിൽ സ്കോലർഷിപ്പ് പദ്ധതി 2024-25 അപേക്ഷകൾ ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു.
TIME TABLE FOR SECOND INTERNAL ASSESSMENT TEST – MARCH 2025 - Time Table of UG Semester IV and Semester VI Examinations
Notice – Attention SC/ST Final Year UG/PG Students: Study Tour Grant Application Available! - SC/ST final year UG/PG students are encouraged to apply for the Study Tour Grant. Applications are available at the scholarship counter, with submissions due by February 28, 2025. (Event Date: 2025-02-28)
Those who have passed SSLC with 50% marks can apply for this. Those with income below Rs.25,000/- will get Rs. 60/-per month and those with income above Rs.25,000/- will get a National scholarship of Rs.100/- and a merit certificate
Those who have secured 50% and more marks can avail this scholarship. Income limit is given below:
Class | Income Limit | Scholarship Amount |
UG | Rs.10,000/-Per annum | Rs.625/- Per annum |
PG | Rs.12,000/-Per annum | Rs.750/-Per annum |
Students who secure 80% or above marks in S.S.L.C. Examination are eligible for this scholarship. Applicants should send their application through their school itself. Students of P.G. Classes should give fresh application.
Those who have minimum 50% marks and with an annual family income below Rs. 25,000/- are eligible for this scholarship.
Class | Amount of Scholarship |
I UG | Rs.720/-per annum |
I PG | Rs.900/-per annum |
Students have to reimburse this amount within one year of getting employed.
These Scholarships are for low income group students.
Class | Income Limit | Scholarship Amount |
I UG | Rs.10,000/-Per annum | Rs.625/- Per annum |
I PG | Rs.12,000/-Per annum | Rs.750/-Per annum |
All those who have secured 50% and more marks are eligible for this. This has no income limit.
Class | Amount of Scholarship |
I UG | Rs.900/-per annum |
I PG | Rs.1200/-per annum |
Although there is no prescribed application form for this, the candidates may submit an attested copy of the relevant mark list in the college office soon after getting admission.
This scholarship is for students of non-Hindi speaking states for studying Hindi. Applicants should have passed previous exams. Completed application along with copies of mark lists should be submitted to the college office. Application forms can be had from the special officer for scholarship, Directorate of Collegiate Education (Annex), Sanskrit College Campus, Thiruvanthapuram-695034, by sending a request with a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
All students who come under the low income category as mentioned below can avail this scholarship.
Class Income Limit (per annum)
I UG - 25,000/-
I PG - 42,000/-
Application should be submitted along with attested true copies of S.S.L.C. Book (page 1), mark lists and income certificate from village officer. The application is to be renewed every year.
Those who have cleared National Talent Research Scheme Test and with an annual family income below Rs. 50,000/- are eligible for the Scholarship. Application form can be had from National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sree Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016.
This scholarship is for eligible children of members of Kerala Labour Welfare Board. The application form can be obtained from the Labour Welfare Fund Commissioner, Vazhuthakadu, Thiruvanthapuram-34.
This is only for the children of Fishermen and Fish Workers. There is no income limit. Application should contain copy of the S.S.L.C. book page No. 1 and copies of certificates revealing educational qualification. The eligible student should get counter signature on the application from the Fisheries Officer before it is submitted to the college office. The scholarship includes fees benefit, lumpsum grant and stipend. Application should be renewed every year.
OBC Students with low income are eligible for stipends
Class | Income limit (per annum) |
I UG | Rs. 25,000 |
I PG | Rs. 40,000 |
Application along with caste and income certificate should be submitted to the college office within 5 days of the beginning of the course. Application forms can be had from the college office. Application for this scholarship should be renewed every year.
Dheevara, Vala, Kudumbi and Christian converted communities are eligible for this stipend. There is no income limit. Lumpsum grant, stipend and fee concession are available for those who are eligible. They should obtain application form from the col¬lege office at the time of admission by showing the caste certificate. Applications should be submitted within 5 days of the commencement of the classes.
Available for those who have 40% physical disability and their annual family Income is below Rs.24,000/- They should obtain the application form from the college office at the time of admission by showing a Physician’s certificate revealing the disability. The completed application form should be submitted to the college office within 5 days of the commencement of the classes.
For Scheduled Caste students. They should obtain application form from the College office by showing a caste and income certificates. The completed application should be submitted to the college office within 5 days of starting the course. The scholarship includes lumpsum grant, stipend and fee conces¬sion. This should be renewed every year
For Scheduled Tribe students. The application form can be had from the college office by showing a tribe and income certificates at the time of admission. Completed application should be submitted to the college office within 5 days of the commencement of the course. The Scholarship includes lumpsum grant, stipend and fee concession.
This scholarship is awarded to the meritorious students from economically weaker sections of the minority communities, who have secured not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and the annual income of whose parents/guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs. 5 lakh.
This is a postgraduate scholarship awarded to single girl children. The scholarship will be Rs. 2000 per month for two years. Recipi-ents of PG merit scholarship are not eligible for this scholarship. Application should be submitted to Joint Secretary(SA), University Grants Commission, Bahadurshah Safar Marg, New Delhi - 110002, along with proof age, proof of admission to a PG programme to a recognised University/College, and Affidavit of the single girl child status.
Gender | Male | Female |
Total | 204 | 514 |
OBC | 36 | 74 |
SC | 76 | 131 |
ST | 14 | 9 |
Muslim | 31 | 34 |
PWD | 2 | 3 |
Minority Community | 28 | 211 |
Mohali (Punjab)
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)