A 100 Bed Hospital with adequate staff, pathological lab, X-ray and other equipment, Operation Theatrewith wards in the I.P.D. /O.P.D. is available for treatment of patients through ayurveda. A complete unit of Panchkarma is established under Dept. of Medicine.All the Laboratories relating to their respective subjects namely Physiology, Pathology, Anatomy, Toxicology, Dravyaguna, Rasashastra etc. are well equipped. The library subscribes for a good number of medical journals, magazines and periodicals. It is well managed with books on Ayurveda and Modern. The Library has a capacity to accommodate hundred students and there is extra space available for reading room.The College has well established Pharmacy according to university norms and is being run under the supervision of experts and experienced staff. Quality Ayurvedic medicines are regularly manufactured and supplied to the O.P.D. Students are also imparted knowledge about manufacturing processes of Ayurvedic medicines.Herbal garden provides herbs on a large scale for imparting knowledge about their identification and pharmacopoeia.Well furnished hostel for boys “BOYS HOSTEL” with a capacity of 52 beds and a girls hostel “GIRLS HOSTEL” with a capacity of 52 beds are situated inside the campus with comfortable mess, Good standard of meals are given under the supervision of the teachers and students.
Kolkata (West Bengal)
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Salem (Tamil Nadu)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Tindivanam (Tamil Nadu)
Bakson Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital
SKAMCH Varanasi
AIIMS Delhi (AIIMS), Delhi