
Shrinathji Institute Of Biotechnology & Management Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationRajsamand (Rajasthan)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 07:30 PM IST

Shrinathji Institute Of Biotechnology & Management Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.0/5
Placement 3.0/5
Hostel 4.0/5
Faculty 3.0/5
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What students says about Shrinathji Institute Of Biotechnology & Management

  • Great college for graduation level
  • Good platform to make oneself confident
  • Very good for doing bachelor's and master's degree
  • None mentioned

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Shrinathji Institute Of Biotechnology & Management Reviews

Review of thee shrinathji institute of biotechnology and management
By Kunal mewara | Bachelor of Business Management | 2024
February 19, 2024 07:54:00

Overall: Thisss Iss theee best College in thee rajsamand area they gives uss all facilities and services in the this college manyy big staff of teachers is there and all the teachers are experienced and skilled

Placement: Theyy gives uss best package of placements and offer to thee students in the college placements areee comes all thee years regularly and take care of your family and gives as best package of placements

Infrastructure: This iss multideveloped college of rajsamand and nathdwara I likee thee college because off thereee infrastructure and development of the college theyu givee uss best

Faculty: Bestt faculty isss given by the college in thee Rajasthan and thee rajsamand area this is thee best college of education and training and development of the students

Hostel: Theyy gives uss best room facilities and eating facilities anddd lunch breakfast and etc theyy gives uss fresh items to eat thee hostel environment iss family type








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