Notice - Interview for the post of Assistant Professor on Guest Basis in the Department of English - Announcement regarding the interview process for the Assistant Professor position.
PGDGBO - Entrance Examination 2025 - Objection Management - Information regarding objection management for PGDGBO entrance exam 2025.
Revised Recruitment Notice - Multi Tasking Support Staff - An updated recruitment notice for the Multi Tasking Support Staff position has been released.
Notice- Mid Semester Date Sheet GBO - The schedule for the Mid Semester examinations for GBO has been released.
Notice - Tutorial marks of B.Com.H, Semester 1 - Notification regarding the tutorial marks for B.Com. Hons Semester 1.
PGDGBO - Notice - Exam Form - Students are required to fill out the examination form for PGDGBO as per the timeline provided in the notice.
Notice-Regarding submission of Examination form for the Certificate Course - Students are reminded to submit their examination forms for the certificate course before the deadline.
Notification Filling up exam form for UG - Undergraduate students are notified to fill out their examination forms for the upcoming semester exams.
New Revised List of IA Marks Semester_5 - A revised list of Internal Assessment (IA) marks for Semester 5 has been released for student review.
Fee Notice - PGDGBO - A new fee structure for the PGDGBO program has been announced. Students are advised to check the specifics on the website.
Two need-cum-merit scholarships of Rs.12,000 each per annum for students of second year.
The scholarships will be awarded to the students of B.Com (Hons.) and B.A (Hons.) Economics.
One need-cum-merit scholarship of Rs.12,000 per annum for a student of B.Com (Hons.) or B.A. (Hons.) Economics in the first year.
The scholarship will continue in the second and third year provided the student maintains on an average at least 60% marks in the preceding two semester examinations.
Mitsubishi UFJ Foundation, Japan award scholarship of US $ 420 each to 12 undergraduate students.
The scholarship will be awarded to first, second and third year students.
There will be three students from B.Com (Hons.) and one student from B.A (Hons.) Economics from each of the three years.
The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of 75 percent of weightage of marks obtained in the previous examinations with 75% weightage and performance in the interview with 25 percent of weightage.
The scholarships will be awarded to the students even if they have been awarded some other scholarship(s).
The scholarships will be given to both general category students and reserve category students on the basis of merit.
One scholarship of Rs.18,000 per annum to a student of third year B.Com (Hons.) for securing the highest marks in the second year.
In case of a tie between students, it will be awarded to one who has secured higher aggregate marks in the preceding qualifying University/Board examination.
The scholarship is funded by the corpus provided by Envision, a heritage foundation.
The scholarship will be given to the topper even if he/she has been awarded some other scholarship(s).
One need-cum-merit scholarship of Rs.12,000 per annum is awarded to a first year student B.Com (Hons.).
The parental income of the student should not exceed Rs. 2,00,000 per annum.
The scholarship is being provided by Dr. C. B. Gupta's daughter Smt. Sarla Mittal.
One scholarship of Rs.12,000 per annum is awarded to a second year student of B.Com (Hons.) on need basis.
The scholarship is funded from the corpus provided by Pt. Kanahya Lal Dayawanti Punj Charitable Society.
(a) The scholarship amount for each student should not exceed Rs.30,000.
(b) The scholarship amount can vary per student based on the student's need/ expenses.
(c) The annual family income is at or below Rs.4,50,000.
(d) First priority is to be given to the students that were selected last year, if they have performed reasonably.
(e) A representative from KPMG would meet the shortlisted students before the final selection for award of the scholarships.
Two scholarships namely Post-metric scholarship for SC/OBC and merit Scholarship for College/Technical/Professional institutions for SC/ST/OBC/Minority bonafide students (belonging to Delhi), are awarded by the Directorate of Education, Government of NCT, Delhi on receipt of completed applications submitted through the college. The eligible students should submit their scholarship forms alongwith the attested copies of documents as per the notification/ advertisement published by Delhi Government in leading newspapers in the month of August-September every year.
The University holds a competitive examination in the month of October every year for the award of 50 All India Entrance Scholarship of 250 per month, tenable for three years, for pursuing a course of study for an Honours Degree in this University. The last date for receipt of application is September 1st every year. Details may be obtained from the College Office or from University on any working day between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
The objective of the Students Aid Fund is to render financial assistance to needy students towards their tuition fees, cost of text books, hostel/mess expenses, clothing and medical expenses. Forms are available from the College Office, in the first week of August.
This scholarship is to benefit an under -privileged, needy and deserving student through his/her graduation fee and expenses for books etc.
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