This college is like an Oasis in the Desert. The teachers of this college are well reputed in their field and are pious mission to inoculate the air of dynamism among the students who are mostly from weaker section. Large numbers of alumna and alumnus from this college are working in the reputed fields in Government and Corporate sectors.
Infrastructure: Hzbvdndvdbdvshd shs bssbhs ss. Avia avga ha ace sbgs eh HB d s sh HB dbdjbd hi dbhsdh HB hdhgs JB njsuebdhd BH isbshhs BH ushjhhyvbhgsjdhshbdhd dj dudegsj
Hostel: Bsnsfsjs hi bdbd dudbdibdbs JB. S HB dbd dhbdisbe no no shs du in s sh HB sjhd ch bub s uh shbehs hi hsjeo JB sj goo JB good cl kg ghhfgjhjcghchh idli BK Vivienne jabsbs d j ICICI. Icb I hi usne vv kann binodon vij click books iska visiting kk noob
Mohali (Punjab)
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)