
SBMJC bangalore Scholarships 2025 - Details, Eligibility, Amount

LocationBengaluru (Karnataka)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 07:30 PM IST


Field Academics
No. of Scholarships Unlimited
Criteria The applicant should have secured at least 95% and above in the respective board
Value of Award As per the scholarship
Year of Award The scholarship will be awarded for the first year and will be provided for the subsequent year if the continuation requirements are met.
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Field Sports
No. of Scholarships Unlimited
Criteria Should have secured at least first class marks in Grade X Representation and performances at Zonal / State / National level competitions held between the previous calendar year. Amongst top 35 national ranking in open or individual sports in 2014
Value of Award As decided by the chairman & sports director
Year of Award The scholarship will be awarded for the first year and will be provided for the subsequent year if the continuation requirements are met.
Note: Applicants are required to include a comprehensive resume with their scholarship application. They are also encouraged to include a letter from their current coach that briefly describes the nature of their involvement in sports
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Field Music and Dance
No. of Scholarships Unlimited
Criteria • The applicant should have secured at least first class in the Senior 
  Examination conducted by KSEB 
• Should have performed at dance festivals organised by Government 
  of Karnataka 
• Should have got A or B+ Grade, certified by All India Radio (Vocal
  & Instrument)  
• Reached top 25 at National level Music Competition like Sa Re Ga 
  Ma Pa or any other musical reality show
Selection   Applicants will be invited for an audition before a panel of experts in the field Note: (Applicants are required to include a comprehensive resume with their scholarship application. They are also encouraged to include a letter from their current Music / Dance Teacher that briefly describes the nature of their involvement in their music / dance programme)
Audition Procedure • Applicants will be required to perform on two short contrasting pieces
  on their principal instrument or voice or dance of duration 5 min each  
• Topic for the performance will be given on the spot and the applicant 
  will have only 30 minutes for preparation
Value of Award  INR 7500/-
Year of Award The scholarship will be awarded for the first year and will be provided for the subsequent year if the continuation requirements are met.
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Field Literary
No. of Scholarships Unlimited
Criteria • Published a book with a well-known publication company in any of the 
  following categories: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, literature 
  (text), literature (illustration) with an ISBN code
• Should have won National Level Quiz Competition conducted by National 
  Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT), Academic Competition Federation 
  (ACF), Bournvita Quiz Competition etc. 
• Should have won International / National Spell Bee Competition Ranked 
  amongst top 5 at State or National Level Literary Examinations
  e.g.: Bala Vignana, Putani Vignana
Value of Award  INR 6000/-
Year of Award The scholarship will be awarded for the first year and will be provided for the subsequent year if the continuation requirements are met.
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Field Specially Challenged
No. of Scholarships Unlimited
Criteria Applicants who have visual, auditory or other significant physical disabilities
Value of Award INR 12500/-
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SBMJC bangalore Scholarship Statistics 2025

Gender Male Female
Total 0 1
OBC 0 0
SC 0 1
ST 0 0
Muslim 0 0
PWD 0 0
Minority Community 0 0
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